RPCD’s Beware

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
Attention RPCD’s. UPS now has a cheaper work force in the 22.4s. Assume there are eyes on you at all times! Cross your T’s and dot your i’s. If you have developed bad habits in the past now is the time to use the methods to PERFECTION.
My building management is on a whole different level right now with discipline, searching desperately for any excuse to walk a RPCD out. Even down to the most petty things like leaving a package in your cab while you are making a delivery on one side of street, and coming back to grab it ten seconds later and walk off the other side of the street.
Good luck and stay safe out there brothers and sisters.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Attention RPCD’s. UPS now has a cheaper work force in the 22.4s. Assume there are eyes on you at all times! Cross your T’s and dot your i’s. If you have developed bad habits in the past now is the time to use the methods to PERFECTION.
My building management is on a whole different level right now with discipline, searching desperately for any excuse to walk a RPCD out. Even down to the most petty things like leaving a package in your cab while you are making a delivery on one side of street, and coming back to grab it ten seconds later and walk off the other side of the street.
Good luck and stay safe out there brothers and sisters.
They have to maintain the same number of RPCD

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
If they fire RPCD they have to replace them with another RPCD. RPCD numbers have to stay same right?
What if the termination doesn’t stick (Which it most likely won’t) and the process takes months to get a hearing and decision? Meanwhile that whole time they stick a 22.4 on that driver’s route. Boom. Cheaper labor and no promotion. Driver comes back. Repeat process.

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
If they fire RPCD they have to replace them with another RPCD. RPCD numbers have to stay same right?
Also, is there a time limit on this 100% RPCD replacement rate, or is that something that is left up in the air in the “best contract ever” as well? I don’t remember seeing anything about how quickly they must replace a RPCD with a 22.4. Could be wrong though.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
All I know is every morning I see a group of 5-10 guys standing outside the office waiting for a route to do, and management is chomping at the bit to stick them on any one of your routes. Do not give them an excuse!
I said it before....

When they hire you to be a 22.4 and cut you just before your 40 days, tell them right then you are not going to come work as a seasonal with hopes of trying out again for the FT team.

The whole respect for the job diminished with the 22.4 contract.

Now RPCDs and 22.4s are both being pushed to the back burner for seasonals, pvds and the ever popular combo driver DQd but eagerly agreed to come back after a week off.

I joked about that 22.5 position... But its already here.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What if the termination doesn’t stick (Which it most likely won’t) and the process takes months to get a hearing and decision? Meanwhile that whole time they stick a 22.4 on that driver’s route. Boom. Cheaper labor and no promotion. Driver comes back. Repeat process.
And your center can function for months down a driver?

Mine cannot


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I said it before....

When they hire you to be a 22.4 and cut you just before your 40 days, tell them right then you are not going to come work as a seasonal with hopes of trying out again for the FT team.

The whole respect for the job diminished with the 22.4 contract.

Now RPCDs and 22.4s are both being pushed to the back burner for seasonals, pvds and the ever popular combo driver DQd but eagerly agreed to come back after a week off.

I joked about that 22.5 position... But its already here.
Why these guys keep agreeing to seasonal is beyond me.

Summer seasonal should
Be eliminated any way

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
And your center can function for months down a driver?

Mine cannot
Yes. We are down multiple drivers waiting for a hearing, including veterans. I have a warning letter for something petty, they walked out a guy in my center this morning for lying about something. Warning letter to one guy for improper shoes. I’m telling you, they are out looking for any excuse.


Well-Known Member
22.4 drivers can not exceed 25% of RPCD at the time of the contract, August 1, 2018, as stated in the contract under Article 22.4(b) 3. There is also protection from layoff of RPCD as long as there are 22.4 drivers working in the building. Although, I feel this wording does not protect RPCD on Mondays, as the company could argue there are no 22.4 drivers "working" (today) in the building. It should state any 22.4 drivers on the payroll.

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
22.4 drivers can not exceed 25% of RPCD at the time of the contract, August 1, 2018, as stated in the contract under Article 22.4(b) 3. There is also protection from layoff of RPCD as long as there are 22.4 drivers working in the building. Although, I feel this wording does not protect RPCD on Mondays, as the company could argue there are no 22.4 drivers "working" (today) in the building. It should state any 22.4 drivers on the payroll.
This has nothing to do with their numbers or ratios, I am simply warning RPCDs that you need to be vigilant and come correct because management is looking for any excuse to get rid of us for cheaper labor.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
22.4 drivers can not exceed 25% of RPCD at the time of the contract, August 1, 2018, as stated in the contract under Article 22.4(b) 3. There is also protection from layoff of RPCD as long as there are 22.4 drivers working in the building. Although, I feel this wording does not protect RPCD on Mondays, as the company could argue there are no 22.4 drivers "working" (today) in the building. It should state any 22.4 drivers on the payroll.
Well its simple mathematics.

Dwindle the rpcd numbers by dwindling the combo driver numbers.

Might explain why very few out of the groups make it past their 40days no matter how good or bad they are.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I saw the writing on the wall the first time i heard the center manager telling a group that HR hired too many combo drivers in hopes of being kept on and he just couldn't keep them all....


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This has nothing to do with their numbers or ratios, I am simply warning RPCDs that you need to be vigilant and come correct because management is looking for any excuse to get rid of us for cheaper labor.
The point is they won’t be replacing us with cheap labor if fired. They’ll be replacing us with another RPCD

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
The point is they won’t be replacing us with cheap labor if fired. They’ll be replacing us with another RPCD
Yes, because we all know how UPS doesn’t take a mile when given an inch right?
Again, that is if the termination sticks. My point is... If it doesn’t stick, there are weeks to potential months that a 22.4 can run your route while you wait for a hearing to get your job back. Aka cheaper labor. Aka not promoting 22.4 to RPCD. Driver comes back to his route and 22.4 is still 22.4, but got to run is route the entirety of his absence.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yes, because we all know how UPS doesn’t take a mile when given an inch right?
Again, that is if the termination sticks. My point is... If it doesn’t stick, there are weeks to potential months that a 22.4 can run your route while you wait for a hearing to get your job back. Aka cheaper labor. Aka not promoting 22.4 to RPCD. Driver comes back to his route and 22.4 is still 22.4, but got to run is route the entirety of his absence.

RPCD have a right to work over 22.4.

So as long as guys exercise their right to work. There’s no money saved.
Yes, because we all know how UPS doesn’t take a mile when given an inch right?
Again, that is if the termination sticks. My point is... If it doesn’t stick, there are weeks to potential months that a 22.4 can run your route while you wait for a hearing to get your job back. Aka cheaper labor. Aka not promoting 22.4 to RPCD. Driver comes back to his route and 22.4 is still 22.4, but got to run is route the entirety of his absence.
And who is going to cover the 22.4 drivers spot while he is cover the RPCD ROUTE?