RTW During A Strike?


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I asked this question to a friend a few months back who has been an activist for decades in a RTW state. Keep in mind that I live in a non RTW state and my understanding of the various laws are fairly limited. As far as I know, the union still has a legal obligation to represent all members and non-members alike. I know that this is something that we all know, but this also includes strikes. What I can't remember is if the union has a financial obligation to pay non-members who wish to not cross the picket line.

Either way, I'm not sure which scenario is worse. The freeloader who won't pay his/her dues and wants to strike with the rest of us, or the freeloader who crosses the picket line firmly believing that the company has his/her best interest at heart. If even one person crosses the picket line, the company has one less scab to "train" to take our jobs until we win that strike.

During the "97" strike, I have only heard of two Union members who reported to work. One was a truck mechanic who lasted half a day once his business agent went into the building to drag him out, the other was a driver again a one day event who is still being talked about after 20+. Whether you are in a RTW state or not remember loyalty has to be shown to your fellow workers even if you do not pay union dues or not, and do not expect any sympathy or appreciation from the company, they detest turncoats or rats too.

Those not paying union dues will not be getting strike pay...Isn't it 4 X your union dues...4 X 0 is zero...So chose wisely.

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
I work in a RTW state. During the 97’ strike, only 2 drivers crossed and 1 part timer. The part timer quit 1 month after we went back and the 2 drivers were treated ostracized.


Phoenix Feeder
No strike pay for non-Union workers whether they cross or not.

Very few scabs from 1997 lasted in my area as they found out Management treated them worse after a brief honeymoon period because they knew they were weak. A few eventually even committed suicide. How these people live with themselves I will never understand.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They will work. Here is another one for you. Once this contract is ratified, if it ever is, employees of UPS in Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and whatever states I forgot can opt out of the Union.
West Virginia is not a RTW state. They tried. KH has it blocked and tied up.


cap'n crunch
Dues receipt? In over 20 years I’ve never received one of those. The total is printed on my paycheck.
For many years, they would show up at the turn in area every month, in sheets with perforations separating them. You found yours, took it out and put the others on the counter for the next guy.


Retired 23 years
Dues receipt? In over 20 years I’ve never received one of those. The total is printed on my paycheck.

We used to get them once a month. Somewhere out in my workshop there is a box with 30 years worth of them that I saved. It was like a 30 year countdown.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I work in a RTW state. During the 97’ strike, only 2 drivers crossed and 1 part timer. The part timer quit 1 month after we went back and the 2 drivers were treated ostracized.
Why don't they ostracized any non-union RTW'er freeloader? For example, if they get a safe driving award, there should be not one clap from the union drivers, not one.