Well-Known Member
Prove me wrong if you want to make that statement. The SCOTUS isn't exactly something that changes every other day. I am not sure what you and UpstateNYUPSer are even trying to argue as this has all been established law for centuries. It is clear both of you are not educated on the second amendment, and firearms in general. That's fine, but you must understand the frustration half the country feels when encountering such people, who take such a strong anti-gun stance before understanding the basics of firearm history in this country. I know squat about some subjects and make the same mistakes injecting myself with little knowledge too often as well. Educate yourself, exercise your second amendment rights. At the least you will learn a lot of interesting history. Maybe you will gain a great hobby in the process.
2008 District of Columbia vs. Heller:
District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Supreme Court ruling excerpt:
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
No doubt we need to begin to understand what makes people like Adam Lanza tick. I think we are at a point (or getting there), we're we can take a serious look at the situation and come up with workable solutions to, at the very least, lower the probability someone does such a terrible thing to other humans. Crimes of passion et cetera are more complicated and spur of the moment. Almost all of the men involved in these shooting-sprees had been diagnosed as being "off" for a while. If you can gun down 20 innocent kids and not stop when you begin witnessing the carnage, that's hard to understand as a sane individual. It makes sense there is such an emotional response to target the thing right in front of you. I have researched this extensively and there really is no correlation between gun ownership and homicide. People kill, responsible, sane people don't. 2A is a great thing and the framers of our country had an understanding that it was to always be the strong-hand that enforced our inalienable rights. Until we are able to live in a utopia where men don't lust for power, crazy people aren't crazy and greedy criminals don't want to enter your home to pillage we need it.
Research democide in the 20th century. Over 250 million people killed by their own governments. When you say this the anti-gun attempts to place you in a fringe and say you are crazy for bringing up tyranny. Those familiar with history understand. No level-headed person is going to tell you the government is coming for you tomorrow. What about in 50 years? 100? 1,000? The odds say something will happen and it doesn't even need to be the classic tyrannical based democide we've witnessed within the past 100 years. Natural disasters, economic break downs et cetera are all likely at points in our future. I don't expect to transform you into what you aren't, but please try to educate yourself because mainstream news is having a field day portraying millions of your fellow citizens in a pretty terrible light. This isn't a gun control issue but an insanity issue. Can you really stop insanity? Have you seen the bill Feinstein is pushing? It is a complete waste of time. She should stop being a coward (as should other gun-grabbers) and be honest: She doesn't want (ineffective) gun control, she wants gun elimination and confiscation. And it won't happen.
The focus must be put on limiting the access of such a tool to noncriminals/sane persons, removing illegal weaponry off the street, cracking down on gang violence, and how about GUN RESPONSIBILITY. How was a mentally unstable man able to get a hold of his mothers guns? She had a complete lack of responsibility for her tools and others paid a dear price.
2008 District of Columbia vs. Heller:
District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Supreme Court ruling excerpt:
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
No doubt we need to begin to understand what makes people like Adam Lanza tick. I think we are at a point (or getting there), we're we can take a serious look at the situation and come up with workable solutions to, at the very least, lower the probability someone does such a terrible thing to other humans. Crimes of passion et cetera are more complicated and spur of the moment. Almost all of the men involved in these shooting-sprees had been diagnosed as being "off" for a while. If you can gun down 20 innocent kids and not stop when you begin witnessing the carnage, that's hard to understand as a sane individual. It makes sense there is such an emotional response to target the thing right in front of you. I have researched this extensively and there really is no correlation between gun ownership and homicide. People kill, responsible, sane people don't. 2A is a great thing and the framers of our country had an understanding that it was to always be the strong-hand that enforced our inalienable rights. Until we are able to live in a utopia where men don't lust for power, crazy people aren't crazy and greedy criminals don't want to enter your home to pillage we need it.
Research democide in the 20th century. Over 250 million people killed by their own governments. When you say this the anti-gun attempts to place you in a fringe and say you are crazy for bringing up tyranny. Those familiar with history understand. No level-headed person is going to tell you the government is coming for you tomorrow. What about in 50 years? 100? 1,000? The odds say something will happen and it doesn't even need to be the classic tyrannical based democide we've witnessed within the past 100 years. Natural disasters, economic break downs et cetera are all likely at points in our future. I don't expect to transform you into what you aren't, but please try to educate yourself because mainstream news is having a field day portraying millions of your fellow citizens in a pretty terrible light. This isn't a gun control issue but an insanity issue. Can you really stop insanity? Have you seen the bill Feinstein is pushing? It is a complete waste of time. She should stop being a coward (as should other gun-grabbers) and be honest: She doesn't want (ineffective) gun control, she wants gun elimination and confiscation. And it won't happen.
The focus must be put on limiting the access of such a tool to noncriminals/sane persons, removing illegal weaponry off the street, cracking down on gang violence, and how about GUN RESPONSIBILITY. How was a mentally unstable man able to get a hold of his mothers guns? She had a complete lack of responsibility for her tools and others paid a dear price.
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