Interesting article...I really liked the part where some one said that Palin was confusing the facts. At least she does not tell out right lies like bho.
Posted by Lew Rockwell on March 8, 2010 11:57 AM
Writes Bill Fangio:
I have been sending folks out of the country for medical help for some time now. (Thailand and India). You would not believe the royal level of service received or the price as opposed to here in the States.
In one instance the lady was dying and losing weight and the doctors could not stop it. In Thailand they put her through a myriad of tests including sending a camera through her system taking 29,000 pictures. Final analysis — the doctors here were killing her with the combination of meds. Just changed the meds and she immediately started gaining weight. Total cost to me was less than 15% what the same service would have cost Stateside including air fare and all living expenses.
Recently I loaned an employee $15,000 to go to Bagalore to have both knees replaced at once — included all air fare, operations, housing and rehab. He is in the final stages of rehab now due to come home next week. He is ecstatic with his results. And, he never waits in line and is escorted wherever he goes. The same service here would easily cost $120,000 and they would only do one knee at a time.
I could go on, but this should give you an idea. You think maybe something is wrong with our medical system? And, I’m sure you believe that more government is the answer. (Sarcasm off.)
Speaking of healthcare and having read numerous other posters champion our system and berate others (like Canada) I ran across this blog yesterday and I've heard more and more folks when it comes to good healthcare are heading due east.
Well, I think even the Tea-Party goers know American Healthcare is too darn expensive.
But, they still want private insurance companies to profit, and ofcourse Employers paying for it, even if it means being totally uncompetitive in the global market.
The cost of a single employee healthcare bennies, is more of that then anyone on min. wage in the states.
(works out to roughly $8.00 an hr, and rising fast ) !
For that amount of money, companies could hire clean up crews and more.
Or simply be able to sell thier products cheaper, and compete globally much better.
But, that is not what the majority wants.
Leave it as is.