Sarah Palin in my province today (City of Calgary) !!!
Wondering what the hell she is doing here ?
I guess Calgary does have over 100.000 americans living there, but gee, only thing we have in common with her is Alaska and Alberta OIl and Gas industry. Nothing more !
I wonder if a demostartion will take place later today, at her arrival ?
I'm quite sure she has bashed our Healthcare, and we won't tolerate that. She better not mention it in her speech.
I do know, we are the most conservative Province in Canada, for over 40 years or so, no other party has lead this province.
But, nothing near the far right she, (and fox news ), is !
Will be interessting, but I assume, only republican americans will be going to it, anyways.
Sarah Palin sets a date with Calgary
U.S. political star to speak at Stampede Park
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