1 country with 10 provinces, (and 3 territories), each province has thier own healthcare, and healthcare budgets. They all must, however, follow, the minimum guidelines of the Canada Healthcare Act.
Some provinces are richer then others, and throw more dollars into the health-sector then the less fortunate provinces.
We do NOT carry a Canada Healthcare Card, but a Provincial one.
Like each province has thier own drivers licence, and licence plate. Collect thier own provincial income taxes, and sales taxes.
Regulate thier own likor and cigarette prices, etc.
Maybe it sounds familiar to simple Americans, like yourself ?
Btw: Ever heard of the Edmonton Protocol Medical procedure ?
A very successful diabetic operational procedure. Now practised all over the world.
Invented right here, in the city I was born and currently live, again.
so now you conceed that there is one country north of me.
And you do agree that a person in a leadership position from that one country chose to go to america to get health care he could not get in that one country called canada?
What probably has Klien upset was that his leader and his staff were very secretive about his medical visit.
Seems your leader Sarah Palin admiited last night in Calgary, Canada. That her and her family used to travel to Canada for healthcare !!!
What was fascinating about the ever-fascinating Sarah Palin's speech was another of her Canadian connections. One that didn't involve hockey.
“My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse (180km away). Believe it or not – this was in the ‘60s – we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada.
What probably has Klien upset was that his leader and his staff were very secretive about his medical visit.
hmm you mean this leader is not less then five years old?
and as a leader it would be safe to assume he has access to the best health care canada has to offer?
yet he chose to go to the united states to get his treatment?
strange very strange.
I find it strange that americans call all govenours leaders of thier country. I certainly don't see it that way up here.
But, your politics are backwards, anyways.
No worry tie.
Talk to me in 10 - 20 years when your medicare system has collapsed on it's own.
I'm not sure what you would call a governor if he is not a leader.
I'm now supposed to ignore the point that a leader of your country went to another country to get health care that he could not get in canada?
You were the one telling us how great canadas health care system is.
you were the one denying the point that canadians were coming to the US to get healthcare they could not get in canada.
and now a prominent leader of your country comes across the border for the same reason.
go figure.
Governors are leaders of the states.....we have, according to Odrama, 57 states in the United States.
Page 11/ last post.
Not going to explain it to you all over again.
I accept your resignation with glee
Here, lets leave it at this :
No matter what Tie, you prefer your healthcare, and we prefer ours.
It will never be setteled.
Ok...so does this mean that we wont have to see any more of you posts on how great Canada"s socialist systems are compared to America? YIPPIE!!!!!
Might as well, since the US never looks to other countries how things are done better, cheaper, and more efficient.
Here is a Chinese Article, before the World Recession hit.
Even Germans I met in Fl, and the Bahamas, told me first thing, how rich Canada is.
So i guess you cant then...or did you not understand???? Maybe you could start a new thread on how much better Canada is then America and we can let it all hang out.