Saturday preload for Monday loads


Well-Known Member
Pretty soon instead of loading Saturdays and Mondays cars on Saturday, you'll be loading Saturday, Sunday and less of Mondays.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the deal is here. All I know is I show up Monday morning and all the trucks are loaded without a preloader in sight. NDA is sitting in the cab. We get to leave early, so thank you guys.


Well-Known Member
My building has moved everyone to Tuesday-Saturday schedules and I'm now loading on Saturday and the trucks I load just wait there loaded till Monday. They have a super small crew (8 people for the whole building) that handles the air that comes in on Monday and throws it behind the cars for the drivers. I was told by our Union rep that 200 some buildings in the country are starting to do this in 2020. Anyone else start doing this? Previously we have been doing Saturday delivery, but had Tuesday-Saturday people handling the cars that went out on Saturdays. Now they've switched everyone over to t-s shifts. All I can say is I'm in no rush to get my trucks loaded on a Saturday, as I have literally all day, as the trucks don't move till Monday @ 9. Just wondering how it's working for other buildings, as Saturdays are a mess with call offs.
Who cares? It doesn't effect you playing Fortnite as soon as you get home.


New Member
Who cares? It doesn't effect you playing Fortnite as soon as you get home.
I work another job m-friend, like allot of other preloaders. So yes it does affect my schedule as I now have to be at work 6 days off the week. If you don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, why are you replying?


Well-Known Member
I work another job m-friend, like allot of other preloaders. So yes it does affect my schedule as I now have to be at work 6 days off the week. If you don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, why are you replying?
Speaking of intelligent, allot is not a word.

Hope this helps.


I love my job. Don't you?
They load part of Monday work on Saturday. Then the rest on monday. It's a crap show every monday. Forecast is always way off. They advance a bunch of volume and got a bare bone crew to try and load it. Didn't leave the building today until 9:30 but don't late air.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
Just found out this morning my hub will be switching to this format in a few weeks.

Who do they use on Monday's to work the preload? They just work 1 day and that's it? I'm just looking for some info anyone can provide other than "it :censored2:ing sucks"


Lunch is the best part of the day
Just found out this morning my hub will be switching to this format in a few weeks.

Who do they use on Monday's to work the preload? They just work 1 day and that's it? I'm just looking for some info anyone can provide other than "it :censored2:ing sucks"
They offer a m-fri schedule based on seniority

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Just found out this morning my hub will be switching to this format in a few weeks.

Who do they use on Monday's to work the preload? They just work 1 day and that's it? I'm just looking for some info anyone can provide other than "it :censored2:ing sucks"
Monday guys load up the live routes that were Saturdays, sometimes cleaning up Saturday's messes


Well-Known Member
In our building every belt on Monday has 1 maybe 2 preloaders. Flow is light but it's still one person doing 20-25 trucks. So expect some growing pains.


Just found out this morning my hub will be switching to this format in a few weeks.

Who do they use on Monday's to work the preload? They just work 1 day and that's it? I'm just looking for some info anyone can provide other than "it :censored2:ing sucks"
You ever heard of anybody only working one day a week at ups
