Say it ain't so Joe!


All Trash No Trailer
Making it up as you go again? Us gentle MAGA folk have watched the Left make up BS about Trump for 8 years. These court cases are just.more of the same.
His lawsuits we’re bogus and rightfully tossed. He’s never been held accountable for anytime his lot and now that he is being held accountable he claims it’s harassment and crooked justice system etc etc.
like I said this claim of him always being a victim wore painfully thin long ago

Where there is smoke there is fire.
Or perhaps we can discuss the 60 odd lawsuits challenging the election that were tossed, the four indictments against him, the 90 so odd charged against him and how is the only president in History that testified in a fraud trial aimed at him. And yet the gentle MAGA folk cry: that’s my guy!! 🤣
yeah he's a maroon, doesn't make his impeachments valid whatsoever


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King