Gov. Walker has failed the people of Wisconsin. From not creating jobs to attacking union rights and dismantling public education, Gov. Walker’s policies have hollowed-out Wisconsin’s middle class and trampled on democracy. Gov. Walker’s actions make it clear that he doesn’t care about working people like us. Scott Walker is a slick politician who will do or say anything to get elected. He only cares about advancing the special interests of his deep-pocketed campaign donors.
TAKE THE PLEDGE: Don’t let Scott Walker do to America what he’s done to Wisconsin. Gov. Walker’s “divide and conquer” tactics are a recipe for disaster. We need to raise our voices as working people and sound the alarm. Take the pledge to educate all our fellow Americans on Gov. Walker’s extremist anti-worker agenda.
In his self-serving bid for the White House, Scott Walker has broken basic democratic principles time and time again. As working families, we need to sound the alarm about Scott Walker.
The Wisconsin AFL-CIO has reviewed Gov. Walker’s record on issues important to working families:
Attacks on Union Rights: Gov. Walker’s Act 10 stripped collective bargaining rights from public employees. Despite professing that anti-worker Right to Work legislation was not on his agenda while campaigning in 2014, just months into 2015 Gov. Walker signed controversial Right to Work legislation into law. Scott Walker’s 2015-2017 Budget rolls back prevailing wage standards for hardworking construction workers and removes the 24-hour rest period required in a 7-day work week, essentially killing the weekend for Wisconsin workers. In 2012, Gov. Walker even repealed a statewide law that helps women receive equal pay.
Where Are the Jobs? In Scott Walker’s 2010 campaign for Governor, Scott Walker promised repeatedly to create 250,000 jobs in his first term. He failed to deliver on that promise. Wisconsin consistently lags behind the rest of the nation in job-growth and has been dead-last in the Midwest for job creation. Currently, Wisconsin ranks 40th in the nationin job-growth.
Weakening of Wisconsin’s Middle Class: Gov. Walker’s bad policies and egregious attacks on union rights have led to a hollowing-out of Wisconsin’s middle class. In fact, according to a 2015 Pew Charitable Trust report Wisconsin ranks worst among the 50 states in terms of a shrinking middle class.
Gutting Public Education: Gov. Walker has enacted the largest cuts to education in Wisconsin history. During his tenure, Walker cut school funding more per student than any other governor in America. With cuts to public K-12 schools, technical colleges and higher education, Gov. Walker has dismantled public education, gutting neighborhood schools in favor of funding unaccountable voucher schools.
Attacks on Democracy: Gov. Walker has created roadblocks to democracy. In 2011, the Republican-controlled branches of government enacted hyper-partisan election districts in a shady power grab. The redistricting is so extreme a current lawsuit charges that the districts are unconstitutional. Gov. Walker signed Voter ID legislation, a known voter suppression tactic, into law. It is estimated that Walker’s voter suppression bill will disenfranchise 300,000 Latinos and African Americans in Wisconsin. In 2011, Gov. Walker even attempted to close DMVs, where citizens obtain an ID to vote. Despite claiming that he had no knowledge of a 2015 budget provision to gut Wisconsin’s Open Records Law, which helps citizens monitor their government, Walker’s office was later found to have beendirectly involved in creating the provision.
TAKE THE PLEDGE: Don’t let Scott Walker do to America what he’s done to Wisconsin. Stand strong to stop Scott Walker’s anti-worker bid for the White House. Together we can educate voters on Walker’s failed economic record. The last thing America needs is a Scott Walker Presidency.
*Forward this email to friends and family to help educate others on Walker’s failed record for Wisconsin families.*
America needs a leader who will bring people together to fix our economy by investing in the middle class by expanding workers’ rights, raising wages and creating jobs. Scott Walker has enacted policy after policy to weaken workers’ rights and cripple our middle class.
In Solidarity,
Phil Neuenfeldt, President
Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer