Scott Walker


Well-Known Member
Tale of Two States



by Randi Weingarten

President, American Federation of Teachers

It’s a tale of two states.

They sit side by side, each taking in the views of Lake Superior(link. Their economies both grew from foundations in manufacturing, farming and mining, and they each boast a strong history of organized labor. And in 2010, still reeling from the recession, they elected new governors.

Those two governors took these two states – Minnesota and Wisconsin – down two very different paths. Today, Minnesota’s unemployment rate is 3.6 percent(link — far below the nationwide rate of 5.7 percent(link – while Wisconsin's job growth has beenamong the worst in the region(link and its income growth has been among the worst in the nation(link.

Since his election, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton(link turned his state’s budget deficit into a projected surplus of nearly $2 billion(link. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker(link has swollen his state’s budget deficit to a projected $2 billion(link. Meanwhile,Dayton has boosted the minimum wage, invested in public education and supported workers’ rights(link. (And Minnesota has the most union members of any state in the Midwest(link.)

And Walker? He has slashed funding to public schools(link, and is dismantling the state’s public university system. On March 9, hesigned a bill that makes Wisconsin the 25th so-called right to work state(link, which, research shows, contrary to the hype, drives down wages and destroys good jobs. Why? All in an effort to eviscerate Wisconsin’s labor unions.

There’s a moral to this story. As my high school students taught me, “You’ve got to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.” If you want a strong middle class, then you can’t take out the unions that built it. If you want good jobs with higher wages, then workers need a voice.

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Engorged Member
Tale of Two States



by Randi Weingarten

President, American Federation of Teachers

It’s a tale of two states.

They sit side by side, each taking in the views of Lake Superior(link. Their economies both grew from foundations in manufacturing, farming and mining, and they each boast a strong history of organized labor. And in 2010, still reeling from the recession, they elected new governors.

Those two governors took these two states – Minnesota and Wisconsin – down two very different paths. Today, Minnesota’s unemployment rate is 3.6 percent(link — far below the nationwide rate of 5.7 percent(link – while Wisconsin's job growth has beenamong the worst in the region(link and its income growth has been among the worst in the nation(link.

Since his election, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton(link turned his state’s budget deficit into a projected surplus of nearly $2 billion(link. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker(link has swollen his state’s budget deficit to a projected $2 billion(link. Meanwhile,Dayton has boosted the minimum wage, invested in public education and supported workers’ rights(link. (And Minnesota has the most union members of any state in the Midwest(link.)

And Walker? He has slashed funding to public schools(link, and is dismantling the state’s public university system. On March 9, hesigned a bill that makes Wisconsin the 25th so-called right to work state(link, which, research shows, contrary to the hype, drives down wages and destroys good jobs. Why? All in an effort to eviscerate Wisconsin’s labor unions.

There’s a moral to this story. As my high school students taught me, “You’ve got to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.” If you want a strong middle class, then you can’t take out the unions that built it. If you want good jobs with higher wages, then workers need a voice.

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Republicanism at it's best. Perhaps Scotty will re-name his state Kochsconsin and mandate a $10 maximum wage for workers.


Nine Lives
There’s a moral to this story. As my high school students taught me, “You’ve got to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.” If you want a strong middle class, then you can’t take out the unions that built it. If you want good jobs with higher wages, then workers need a voice.

- See more at:

Unions are the only voice that employees have in negotiations with an employer.
Being in management at UPS for 35 years made me extremely aware of this real world fact.


Bad Moon Risen'
Walkers poll numbers dropping like a rock. Guess the public is finally getting to see what a fraud this guy is. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


nowhere special
Walker was always mostly a regional candidate. Outside of Wisconsin most people mostly ignored or gave little thought to him.


nowhere special
You said Walker was always mostly a regional candidate. The same could be said for Bernie.

How then would you explain Bernie's numbers?

It could be said. I didn't say that because I don't believe Bernie is in the same position. He only has to compete against Hillary and there is national dissatisfaction with her so it is not a regional issue.


Well-Known Member
It could be said. I didn't say that because I don't believe Bernie is in the same position. He only has to compete against Hillary and there is national dissatisfaction with her so it is not a regional issue.

Level of competition notwithstanding, Bernie was largely unknown outside of Vermont.