Something going on in your personal life recently? You really seem to have your panties in a wad lately.
On reflection, I have never been interested in what the President had to say in the past.
Trump is an aberration that I find very interesting.
I read all the stuff being put forth by MSM and FAUX news and I quickly learned that no one tells the news anymore ... they just go for what increases their rankings.
I honestly never paid much attention to MSM over the last 8 years because they were a fairly reliable source for what the Administration was doing.
I just fed up with the entire press corps which is all that is repeated in here.
Therefore, I was aloof before ... now I'm playing the CE game like everyone else.
Now you got your panties in a wad just like the FAUX news watchers did back in 2009 through 2016.
Sorry your view of the world is becoming fuzzy.