Sean O’Brien

Would be stupid to endorse Trump as a labor organization. Would also be stupid to just hand democrats a guaranteed support year after year and not make them earn it.
why? disconnecting himself from his membership will make the Teamsters stronger?

the pendulum is swinging man, the Dems are the party of Wall St, the Reps are the party of the working man

there are still some Reagan/Ayn Rand idiots who slobber CEO's but they are being driven out fast

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s why the Teamsters shouldn’t endorse anyone. Membership is probably split on who they will vote for
Who the membership wants to vote for isn’t a pragmatic way of viewing who you should endorse.
If you can get concessions from republicans just by speaking to them you would be dumb not to. If you can get democrats on the ball just by speaking to republicans, it’s a smart move.

Republicans are the enemy of labor and labor laws in this country. It’s part of their whole deregulation thing. They despise unions.
That’s why the Teamsters shouldn’t endorse anyone. Membership is probably split on who they will vote for
Teamsters are majority male, they're all voting for Trump

if you're a male and voting for Biden, you're either some commie professor, black, or just a contrarian who thinks voting against his interests makes him appealing to women somehow

El Correcto

god is dead
this officially died in 2012 and was already on the way out between 1998-2008

you are behind the times old man
“We’ve had great support from [union] workers, the people that work, the real workers, but I love the right to work,” Trump said. “I like it better because it is lower. It is better for the people. You are not paying the big fees to the unions. The unions get big fees. A lot of people don’t realize they have to pay a lot of fees. I am talking about the workers. They have to pay big fees to the union. I like it because it gives great flexibility to the people. It gives great flexibility to the companies.”

“We’ve had great support from [union] workers, the people that work, the real workers, but I love the right to work,” Trump said. “I like it better because it is lower. It is better for the people. You are not paying the big fees to the unions. The unions get big fees. A lot of people don’t realize they have to pay a lot of fees. I am talking about the workers. They have to pay big fees to the union. I like it because it gives great flexibility to the people. It gives great flexibility to the companies.”

do you expect him to wear a Che Guevara shirt overnight or something?

RTW is better than NO unions which is the previous Republican position

El Correcto

god is dead
do you expect him to wear a Che Guevara shirt overnight or something?

RTW is better than NO unions which is the previous Republican position
President Joe Biden made history Tuesday when he visited a picket line in Michigan in a show of loyalty to autoworkers who are striking for higher wages and cost-of-living increases.

Biden, who is looking to polish his pro-labor persona, is the first sitting president to appear on a picket line.

You are just buying into their lies. Their agenda is still to weaken unions and worker rights where ever they can under the guise of freedom and deregulation.

El Correcto

god is dead
This could be a historical time for unions and a big resurgence. It would be disgusting to watch Sean O Brien endorse a man hell bent on hurting unions and not passing any meaningful reform. A puppet for right wing ghouls that will stack the courts and boards against unions.

Would be completely idiotic to allow Donald Trump to have a labor endorsement. I don’t care how many idiot laborers want to cut off their nose to spite their face out some hopped up sense of masculinity or patriotism.