Sean O’Brien

El Correcto

god is dead
Unions should 100% be able to pressure companies into closing shop to scab labor under a bargaining agreement.

It’s absolutely ridiculous people who claim to love the constitution go around trampling the rights of workers to keep them weak.

El Correcto

god is dead

I watched his full speech. It was good, besides the first 5 minutes or whatever of him running game on Trump appealing to his ego.
That is probably a smart move though, Trump eats that kind of stuff up.

I still don’t think republicans should be given an endorsement. They have a long way to go to earn that.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you come in collect all the benefits of union labor and vote against other’s ability to get the same. Typical boomer behavior.

It’s pragmatic for you to vote that way for whatever reason, but it is not pragmatic for the organization you are reaping the rewards of.

Right to work violates freedom of association. It takes away the ability to not associate with scabs. Scabs are free to :censored2: off and find another place of employment.

Have these right wing ghouls explain to you why they still support even though they are champions of the constitution.
Nothing wrong with boomer behavior.
We’ve created, invented, defended and more….everything you enjoy today.
The greatest generation earned this moniker.
Respect is earned as well, and you’re getting none from me.
I know, I know…. you don’t care. It shows.