It certainly is pass through now. I never looked at it as a career. Just a part time job. Although they’re retiring more often now, there are those who’ve worked there many years and made a decent career of it. That’s not possible today because the few benefits we’ve had are being whittled away, tawdry as some of them are. Those getting hired now quickly see the situation and leave. I doubt FedEx will survive more than a few more years as a competitive, successful company.
FedEx is a union-hating, selfish corporation. UPS is too, but they’re saddled with the Teamsters.
I have tremendous respect for my UPS comrades. They earn every penny, and it’s blood money.
Big Union barnyard product, did you hear the word “acuity” on tv and just think using it would make you look a bit less dim? We can’t all be as hyped up on testosterone and driven by cultural stereotypes as you are. And oh, what a shame that is.