This is what the Secretary-Treasurer of Local 100 had to say:
They did get the Freight envelopes and counted them... I watched over that. But, my complaint is that some Teamsters delayed their return, waiting to see if the IBT was sending out new envelopes and new ballots... that delay may have resulted in those ballots not being counted. As of Monday, there was about 5000 ballots at the post office that they do not intend to count. My petition addressed exactly that problem. I have been the observer driving to the post office with the election Supervisor each day to pick up the ballots. And, I have been keeping track of those ballots. On Saturday, they left 8 1/2 trays of returned ballots at the post office, on Monday they left 10 trays. There are about 500 ballots in each tray. There are also Local 135 ballots in there and some ABF Ballots in there... so, any estimate of how many ballots is just an estimate.
We picked up ballots on Thursday, the general date required for return of ballots. We went back over on Saturday, because the IBT messed up the Local 89 ballots and they had until the 22nd to return their ballots. Then back on Monday the 24th, because Local 901 had their ballots messed up and we go back on Wednesday to pick up 135's ballots, because they had more issues.
While the Election Supervisor picks through the trays of ballots, to find those specific ballots he's is taking back to count on those days, I'm observing the other ballots. I've seen ballots post marked as early as June 10th, that will not be counted, because they were not in the IBT trays "On-Time".
I think anything post marked prior to the deadline should be counted. Unfortunately, the USPS does not post mark everything anymore. So, many of those returned ballots have not been stamped.
But, On Monday afternoon, I restated my concerns that if there are more ballots being held back than the difference in the count, they must count them all. Unfortunately, the IBT and Local 100 disagree.
But, after Indy is counted and if the vote count difference is less than the number of ballots that I've contested. I believe they should be counted.