Secretary-Treasurer of Local 100 Says 5,000 ballots left out!


Anyone that didn't receive a ballot had ample opportunity to request a replacement ballot. Saying thousands "never got a chance to vote" is pure and reckless speculation. What is certain is thousands received ballots timely and properly and didn't take the massive effort to return a self addressed postage paid envelope. That's where the anger should be focused.

I disagree, It took 2 weeks to get my replacement ballot.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if you could write a post without using vulgarities then I would not have to delete.

You know what you wrote and now you know that it is not acceptable.
If your gonna do a job don't be biased. Don't pick one or the other do it equally!


Well-Known Member
You keep saying that like we can just pick up and go to Washington DC at the drop of a hat?
I am just a package car driver who planned his vacation time last November.
Are you going?

I'm in the same boat as you I thought you were tight with the ST and you two would go together