sent home 4 days I'm a row from ups


nowhere special
I haven't seen a tape gun at work in years...but maybe the ups president will send me

You might get a tape gun but don't even try to touch his stapler.

just wait in a week or 2 you will be working more hours than you want

Yeah thats kinda what i figured, based on what theyve been telling me. And sorry about using the wrong terminology guys im still a newbie ;). I probably only worked around 22-23 days so in terms of working days...still have another 7-8 before i make seniority. And yeah i figured making a fuss over it probably isnt the best way to go this early on...ill just talk to one of the union reps for their input on it (when i work next). Appreciate the input/help though ;)


Well-Known Member
I was sent home 4 days in a row from the ups factory...I've been there 5 weeks now...I know according to my rights they're required to give me at least 3 hr's daily...after 30 days but also I know according to seniority they send the newest guys home first when they are overstaffed....what should I do? I know both of the teamster reps\merchants at ups...should I mention it to 1 of them when they finally let me work? Or... Last but not parents next door neighbor is the president of ups in our state...should i go directly to him? I'd prefer not dragging him into this if I can since he already helped get me the job...thanks for all your help guys :(
We don't consider UPS a factory. It's more of a sweat shop.


.my parents next door neighbor is the president of ups in our state...should i go directly to him? I'd prefer not dragging him into this if I can since he already helped get me the job...

.... he helped you get the job? LMFAO
He hosed you, dude.