Shooting at Oregon Community College


Well-Known Member
Well according to the laws, carrying in a school is against the law. And if you go to school and someone shoots it up, the school should be liable, negligent homicide...

If a school (or other) wants to have a gun free zone then there should be a law requirng them to make sure it remains gun free and offer adequate protection to those who enter. If the school (or other) doesn't want to take on that responsibility then the gun free zone ceases to exist and the existing state laws concerning CC would be in effect.
That is some seriously flawed logic right there.


swollen member
Imagine a fully loaded Boeing 747 with 500 people aboard, all packing their firearms because the law says the airlines cannot restrict concealed carry. Somehow I don't think that would turn out to well.

I'm thinking .gov would be restricting CC on an airlines


Inordinately Right
not for me, but people want more regulation
Yet your idea is a new law to hold owners who ban guns on their own property to be held financially responsible for acts of violence that happen there.... seems like you fit right in with the more gun laws crowd, just a different version of laws.


swollen member
Yet your idea is a new law to hold owners who ban guns on their own property to be held financially responsible for acts of violence that happen there.... seems like you fit right in with the more gun laws crowd, just a different version of laws.

no, the law should be if the owners who claim to be gun free to provide that protection


Inordinately Right
no, the law should be if the owners who claim to be gun free to provide that protection
So you're against more gun laws, unless those gun laws are used to counter act the other gun laws you don't like.....
I really don't think we need to play these games.
If you want to carry in a gun free zone do it. If you don't, then just don't go there.


Well-Known Member
Its not a problem I personally have to deal with, because I have a concealed carry permit and in Oregon you can carry pretty much anywhere you want to with one. Businesses are still free to put up "no guns allowed" signs but the signs do not have the force of law and you aren't breaking the law by ignoring them. You can even carry in schools with a permit. Only Federal buildings are off-limits, or county courthouses with signs and metal detectors to walk thru.

If I owned a business, I most certainly would have the right to set the rules, which would include "no guns".