Shooting at Oregon Community College

10 point

Well-Known Member
You know, I wouldn't be too broken-up if someone took out he Westboro Baptist crowd, which is wrong. But it feels somehow OK to think about it. Roseburg is logger country, and the WBC won't get a friendly reception.
Passive aggressive?

10 point

Well-Known Member
Of course, the responses on this latest shooting are identical to every other mass shooting in the country on this board.

The usual, "more guns would have saved lives" to "stickers dont save lives"... is the same kind of nonsense that keeps mass shootings on the rise in this country. The bigger issue, is HATE. This countrys right wing preaches HATE, and there are people to consume that HATE and act upon it.

Here we go again, another WHITE American man armed with more guns than he possibly needed for "self protection" in the home. Another wacked out ammosexual living his life in his basement assembling rounds and stacking guns while reading propaganda that drove his anger.

At the same time of this lunacy, his thoughts are consumed by terms like NANNY STATES, or GUN CONTROL. Gun owners dont want their guns taken away, and some feel the need to use those weapons against innocent persons to prove they have power. But do they really have power shooting unarmed people?

As I have said many times, it isnt about stickers or gun free zones... Its about COWARDS who feel compelled to live their lives consumed by guns and ammo.

The very people who must have a gun on them at all times. The very people who believe they cant go buy a gallon of milk without a pistol strapped to their sides. The very people who have lockers of guns in the home under some lunacy that 50 different kinds of guns in the home will keep them safe.

These nutballs live like this until that moment when they snap in the head and then want to go punish the most innocent of Americans knowing they will recieve virtually no resistance.

Nobody knows when a gun owner will go nuts, but reality tells us that its more often than it should be.

People died on that campus, yet you gun freaks will offer your "prayers and thoughts" which amount to a pile of doodoo compared to the lives shattered by the very tools of death you want to own so proudly, proudly that is, until you lose your mind and kill your own family, your neighbors, your coworkers or a fellow American.

People died in school, at the hands of a gun freak who grew up worshipping guns in state where thousands of other gun nuts live.

Of course, none of you gun freaks will get behind ANY new legislation that could possibly keep the most dangerous types of guns out of the hands of the wrong people.

Thats just bad for business.

Peoples lives dont matter to gun owners, gun sellers or the merchants of death who make those stupid things.

"Are you a Christian?"
Bam!!! Your brains splatters on the wall.
Looks like the shooter was a left winger, Christian hater, with enough guns to be from Chicago (53 shot last weekend in 48 hrs).... most were Caucasian? Nope.
Your arguments are unfounded usual.

Do your homework before you rant. That would parallel some level of intelligence in posting something that would be worth reading.


Inordinately Right
"Are you a Christian?"
Bam!!! Your brains splatters on the wall.
Looks like the shooter was a left winger, Christian hater, with enough guns to be from Chicago (53 shot last weekend in 48 hrs).... most were Caucasian? Nope.
Your arguments are unfounded usual.

Do your homework before you rant. That would parallel some level of intelligence in posting something that would be worth reading.
If you understood the mentality of 4chan's /r9k community you'd know it wasn't about left/right or black/white or religion at all. It was about a hatred for ANY kind of social norms.

I'd say you both need to do your homework.


Strength through joy
University of Virginia Professor Brad Wilcox pointed out in 2013: “From shootings at MIT (i.e., the Tsarnaev brothers) to the University of Central Florida to the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Ga., nearly every shooting over the last year in Wikipedia’s ‘list of U.S. school attacks’ involved a young man whose parents divorced or never married in the first place.”
Wilcox has noted the overwhelming social scientific evidence connecting violence and broken homes, which suggests that boys living in single mother homes are almost twice as likely to end up delinquent compared to boys who enjoy good relationships with their father.
And criminologists Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, have further documented the fallout from fatherless families, writing that “such family measures as the percentage of the population divorced, the percentage of households headed by women, and the percentage of unattached individuals in the community are among the most powerful predictors of crime rates.”


Inordinately Right
University of Virginia Professor Brad Wilcox pointed out in 2013: “From shootings at MIT (i.e., the Tsarnaev brothers) to the University of Central Florida to the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Ga., nearly every shooting over the last year in Wikipedia’s ‘list of U.S. school attacks’ involved a young man whose parents divorced or never married in the first place.”
Wilcox has noted the overwhelming social scientific evidence connecting violence and broken homes, which suggests that boys living in single mother homes are almost twice as likely to end up delinquent compared to boys who enjoy good relationships with their father.
And criminologists Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, have further documented the fallout from fatherless families, writing that “such family measures as the percentage of the population divorced, the percentage of households headed by women, and the percentage of unattached individuals in the community are among the most powerful predictors of crime rates.”
Wait, I thought it was because they were black or muslim or some of that other BS? Now it's just because they have daddy issues?


Well-Known Member
University of Virginia Professor Brad Wilcox pointed out in 2013: “From shootings at MIT (i.e., the Tsarnaev brothers) to the University of Central Florida to the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Ga., nearly every shooting over the last year in Wikipedia’s ‘list of U.S. school attacks’ involved a young man whose parents divorced or never married in the first place.”
Wilcox has noted the overwhelming social scientific evidence connecting violence and broken homes, which suggests that boys living in single mother homes are almost twice as likely to end up delinquent compared to boys who enjoy good relationships with their father.
And criminologists Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi, have further documented the fallout from fatherless families, writing that “such family measures as the percentage of the population divorced, the percentage of households headed by women, and the percentage of unattached individuals in the community are among the most powerful predictors of crime rates.”
Well since most school shootings are committed by white males , I'd say white America has a serious problem.

10 point

Well-Known Member
If you understood the mentality of 4chan's /r9k community you'd know it wasn't about left/right or black/white or religion at all. It was about a hatred for ANY kind of social norms.

I'd say you both need to do your homework.
I'd say things are the same as they ever were. It's the people who yearn for some imaginary time when everything in America was perfect that have the real problem.
No. Id say you are acutely blind and self proclaimed "all knowing" in response to your skirting the facts of who was murdered and the obvious question that separated their fates.

Your out of touch pompous responses put you in the same category as TOS and you like it that way. It must give you a rise of some sort.

In the seventies, our high school disciplinary issues dealt with smoking cigarettes in the boys room and chewing gum.

The world is digressing around us and you are purposely blind and deaf.

I'm sure you'll come up with another out of touch rebuttal to glaze over the real issues at hand but, as usual, it won't matter. You're lost and must like it that way. Never let the facts confuse you or mess up your fables. It's not convenient.


An officially retired Oregonian .
Generally I agree with you, and I know you have a soft-spot for the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership in general, but, come on now?!!?

Personally, I'm neutral about gun-ownership - I don't own any guns and I have enough other hobbies to keep me occupied. If guns are your hobby, excellent. It's not my thing, and it's not my decision - 2nd Amendment, etc.

There are other amendments to the Constitution I'm more concerned about.

Which militia are you in by the way? (tongue-in-cheek, but not really).

The 'good-guys-with-guns' argument doesn't hold weight with me - I'm not sure it's any kind of rational solution, i.e. lets arm everyone everywhere just in case someone else who is armed starts to shoot.

I don't have an alternate solution, I just don't like the 'more guns' solution.

I'm not going to pretend to supply an answer to the 'mass-shooting' problem, but when a proposal is 'more guns', frankly I'm dubious.

There are a lot of excellent qualities about the United States, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, however we seem to be very good at cutting off our noses to spite our faces.
I agree with you. What I've heard is there are enough guns in the US already to arm everyone, including children. Seems like more than enough. Shootings happened 100 miles south of where I live. Seems something needs to change, or we will be reading about another mass shooting in 2 or 3 more months, just in a different location. Real change needs to happen, including better mental health care and less politicians beholding to the most powerful lobby in Washington.


Inordinately Right
No. Id say you are acutely blind and self proclaimed "all knowing" in response to your skirting the facts of who was murdered and the obvious question that separated their fates.

Your out of touch pompous responses put you in the same category as TOS and you like it that way. It must give you a rise of some sort.
I tried to explain to you the mentality of people on /r9k, but instead of learning anything you choose to participate in this war on christianity delusion you love so much. You're the one skirting the facts, do you even know what 4chan is grandpa?


Well-Known Member
Actually, the per capita murder rate as well as the overall number of murders and murders committed with guns has been steadily decreasing since 1993. This in spite of the fact that the number of guns in private ownership as well as the number of people with concealed carry permits has dramatically increased during that same timeframe. As far as what happened in Roseburg (190 miles south of where I sit at this moment) I have very little factual information about the tragedy except for two things; it happened in a posted "gun free" zone, and it ended when a good guy with a gun shot and killed the bad guy with the gun.

Nope turns out the bad guy killed himself.