Resident Suit
We're in a building we grew out of about a decade ago. It puts us in a tough spot. They added a permanent dog house last year, but it still isn't enough. I've parked and pulled out vehicles under those conditions, and it isn't easy. But certainly not impossible. The big guys upstairs won't change anything until it's truly impossible.Ok that would seem doable. But still think 4 inches is unreasonably close. If we were observed parking that close to anything we would hear about it.
We talk a lot about eliminating risk but planning a setup with 4 inch clearances seems to be inviting an increased frequency of minor damage to PCs during shifting/spotting as well as in the morning.
Not slamming you Frig I'm sure it's not your call. But I would wager that the person who did use that figure for the plan does not nor never has driven a PC.
I always love when corporate safety guys come in and see how close we have everything. They look like they're about to have a stroke.