Here is the formula if you want to calculate your monies before dec 16.
FYI: In order to calculate the most accurate total target compensation based on your OIP. you must wait until dec 1. (4pm) to get the average stock price jan. 1- dec. 1 2022.
Ownership incentive(OIP): 2022/2021 eligible holdings (which ever is highest of the two) x average stock price x ownership incentive target (1.035 or 1.03 or 1.0xx)
Bonus: your 2023 target bonus amount(10%= sups, 20=mgr). All bonuses Must be enter in as 3 significant figures or your numbers will be off. For example; 34% = 1.34 and 17%=1.17
Base: current base salary
Total: current base x current bonus target (1.17) + ownership incentive
Bonus= 1.10
Base= 55,000
Total= 55k*1.17=64,350+1,000=65,350
Bonus x base=total
The below formula will give you the new base amount you will receive in 2023.
total/bonus = Base(x)
65,350/1.10 = 59,409.09