Should part time employees make the same rate as full time employees?


Well-Known Member
Everybody should get raised in this . But you’re acting like You should get full time pay for part time hours . Work full time then if you want more money.
You realize that PT are not asking to have the same salary as a FT? We want to same hourly rate, with half the hours. PT will still make nowhere near FT money. Even at $30 an hour

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
You still get full medical benefits paid for only being part time. Most part time people aren’t getting that at other companies. A lot of part time ups people keep that job just for those benefits, the pay doesn’t matter to them as much. When I worked preload I did that and another job just to pay bills until I could get a full time bid. So I don’t know how much you think ups should be paying you for part time but if you need more money then go full time.
Most Union companies don't have 2/3 of their members as minimum wage PT.


Active Member
PTers should get paid but not to the point that you discourage them from going ft

Ft should be the gold standard. More pters gives the company leverage since it wants to do away with ft spots.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
PTers should get paid but not to the point that you discourage them from going ft

Ft should be the gold standard. More pters gives the company leverage since it wants to do away with ft spots.
The company does a pretty good job of discouraging members from going FT without pay being the issue.


Well-Known Member
I have proven you incorrect on this topic, yet you keep pushing these inaccuracies.

I think you might be a liar.
He's a :censored2:ing idiot that no one should give any attention to. He's gotten this far because everyone took it out on Dave. He lives on here and if you look at his responses to things you can tell very quickly that he's a miserable person.


Well-Known Member
PTers should get paid but not to the point that you discourage them from going ft

Ft should be the gold standard. More pters gives the company leverage since it wants to do away with ft spots.
Why would hourly rate discourage people from going full time? People have families and Americans like to buy things, they are going to want to work more than 3.5 hours a day… and full time guarantees you 8 hours and a bigger pension

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Why would hourly rate discourage people from going full time? People have families and Americans like to buy things, they are going to want to work more than 3.5 hours a day… and full time guarantees you 8 hours and a bigger pension
No one is going to buy a $300k starter home or a $70k pick up truck working a PT job even at $40/hr. Believe me I know. But it could mean a way out of poverty for a lot of Union families. Isn't that why we come together to improve our lives?


Well-Known Member
It seems like ups is just getting slammed in terms of public perception. Do they care about this?

To the veterans who have been through and paid attention during the other contracts, is there normally this much tension and eyes on ups come contract time as there is now?

The last contract was agreed upon July 15th right? So nothing super unusual still right? Or does it normally get finalized sooner?

From what my family has told me and just what I heard from the media, ups in the 80s had such a good reputation as a place to work at. Hard, yes, but really good pay for a part time gig. $8.50 an hour went far back back then. Reading these comments though, it seems like they’re losing that legacy in the public perception as an entry level job

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
It seems like ups is just getting slammed in terms of public perception. Do they care about this?

To the veterans who have been through and paid attention during the other contracts, is there normally this much tension and eyes on ups come contract time as there is now?

The last contract was agreed upon July 15th right? So nothing super unusual still right? Or does it normally get finalized sooner?

From what my family has told me and just what I heard from the media, ups in the 80s had such a good reputation as a place to work at. Hard, yes, but really good pay for a part time gig. $8.50 an hour went far back back then. Reading these comments though, it seems like they’re losing that legacy in the public perception as an entry level job
In 1997 strike the Union used PT poverty as a slogan to get public support. Even though PT now make twice as much as then in real terms we are even further behind and the ratio of PT to FT has grown larger.


Well-Known Member
Part time at UPS is really PART part time. The average part timer gets their 3.5. That equals 17 hours a week!

A TRUE part time job in most other industries gets 25 to 30 hours a week. 17 hours at $15 bucks? After tax about $200 a week for lifting/sorting 1 to 3,000 packages a day or about 15,000 packages a week per person, no one sees the problem in that?
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Well-Known Member
In 1997 strike the Union used PT poverty as a slogan to get public support. Even though PT now make twice as much as then in real terms we are even further behind and the ratio of PT to FT has grown larger.
So basically if we strike it’s going to be over the same issue as 97.

Could anybody argue that ups gained any kind of win from striking, or do/will the history books show that completely as a loss for ups?

So O’BRIEN and Tome are basically just in a game of chicken right now? O’Brien made it very clear he won’t budge, so it’s we strike and then it’s just wait and see who can hold out longer?

The only thing I can reasonably see is UPS hoping enough people will scab and cross? Otherwise I guess I just don’t see what their strategy is here?

The longer they wait the more public perception turns against them, and the less it seems like they are giving us raises and more like they’re being forced to.

Almost seems like it would have been smarter for them to give everything sooner, but I guess maybe that might make them look weak for future negotiations?


Well-Known Member
Part timers in my hub do not make OT after 5 hours they have to work over 8 in order to get the OT pay. Preloaders are loading 5 trucks each. The fulltime combos have all used the preferred list and our doing easy jobs, small sort and racking bags. And again, we have not had any new bids for fulltime combo jobs in our building in years. When a combo retires in our building, they are dissolving the job.


Well-Known Member
When we went on strike, I felt UPS was trying to bust the union. It didnt work because we all stuck together nationwide. If it had just been my state we would of been busted RTW. In my building one center mostly drivers crossed, they would meet supervisors on route, some hid in backseats of cars. In the end the union demanded a list of scabs so we new all the employees that crossed. When things got back to normal management treated the scabs like crap and the union wouldnt help them, most of them quit. I still see a hand full. Crossing didnt help deliver the pkgs and that was before the internet. The Texas highway patrol would follower the feeders and check they had cdl lic. The pilots stood with us, and the country backed us, because they were against corporate greed.


Well-Known Member
When we went on strike, I felt UPS was trying to bust the union. It didnt work because we all stuck together nationwide. If it had just been my state we would of been busted RTW. In my building one center mostly drivers crossed, they would meet supervisors on route, some hid in backseats of cars. In the end the union demanded a list of scabs so we new all the employees that crossed. When things got back to normal management treated the scabs like crap and the union wouldnt help them, most of them quit. I still see a hand full. Crossing didnt help deliver the pkgs and that was before the internet. The Texas highway patrol would follower the feeders and check they had cdl lic. The pilots stood with us, and the country backed us, because they were against corporate greed.
That’s crazy. I just can’t imagine crossing, and to go to such lengths to do it, you think they would feel so dirty.

Why do you think they did it? They just wanted the extra money, or didn’t believe in the cause or what?


Inordinately Right
Why would hourly rate discourage people from going full time? People have families and Americans like to buy things, they are going to want to work more than 3.5 hours a day… and full time guarantees you 8 hours and a bigger pension
When I was new here too, I felt the same way.

Then I watched these part timers pass on full time, because they don't want to work.

A union should be able to ensure workers have the dignity of a real full time job. People who only want to work a couple hours a day have lots of other options.


Well-Known Member
Their attitudes were friend you I got mine. One driver picket with us a few days, then drives up in a new convertible and says to us friend you I got to pay my bills. It was crazy, and that driver didn't last long a few months then went into management over drivers who hated that person, in the end they quit in under a year. Also, a lot of these employees think they're the best worker and management loves them and the rest of us deserve what we get, were lazy and replaceable. They don't realize we are all numbers, if we didn't have a union every one of us would be replaced with cheaper labor, no benefits no job security.