Should the Democratic Gov From VA-Ralph Northam Resign?


Well-Known Member
Just so we’re clear, do y’all understand ‘indentured servitude’?

It’s close to slavery, but it just ain’t.

Slavery is slavery.

I feel like this forum is an SNL clip, ffs.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget all the other European ethnicities who owned slaves as well as some black and Native American slaveowners. Wasn't just the English.
English started enslavement here in colonial America. And white Americans were by far the largest group of slave owners.


Well-Known Member
Just so we’re clear, do y’all understand ‘indentured servitude’?

It’s close to slavery, but it just ain’t.

Slavery is slavery.

I feel like this forum is an SNL clip, ffs.
Yes, many thousands of whites were brought in as indentured servants in exchange for their passage over.


Got the T-Shirt
English started enslavement here in colonial America. And white Americans were by far the largest group of slave owners.





Retired 23 years
I'll agree on that point. Still doesn't justify slavery in America.

I think in this day and age everyone in the United States thinks slavery was bad. That being said: I never owned any slaves, my Dad never owned any slaves and my grandpa never owned any slaves. I'll also bet You were never a slave, your Dad was never a slave and your grandpa was never a slave. It's all water over the dam by now. Quit living the old "oh woe is me" sob story.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
A mixture of truths, half-truths and at least one false point.
FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know

The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.
Mostly true.
By legal definition - True.

North Carolina’s largest slave holder in 1860 was a black plantation owner named William Ellison.
False. William Ellison, who owned 63 black slaves in the 1860 census, was the largest of the 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina, but far from the largest overall slave holder in the state.

American Indians owned thousands of black slaves.

In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

Many black slaves were allowed to hold jobs, own businesses, and own real estate.
Somewhat true. True before 1750 when Slave Laws were codified so that black slaves were not legally permitted to own property or businesses.

Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.
Mostly true.
European demand for slaves drove up the numbers enslaved.
Most professional slave traders set up bases along the west African coast where they purchased slaves from Africans in exchange for firearms and other goods. Before the end of the seventeenth century, England, France, Denmark, Holland, and Portugal had all established slave trading posts on the west African coast.

Slavery was common for thousands of years.

White people ended legal chattel slavery.
Ironic but True. All legislatures were white men so ... True by default.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I'll agree on that point. Still doesn't justify slavery in America.
Lots of theories out there to explain how the act of slavery could be justified and why it occurred. Slavery was a result of "enlightenment" ideals such as the idea of a biologically inferior race, utilitarianism and even trying to prove the moral justification for slavery.( the Bible is full of slaves )
People believed the level a person or race rises to in a society and the wealth they accumulated was determined by their genes. During this time, in an effort to justify slavery, this theory was used to promote the idea that during the seventeen hundreds the white European race was superior to others and so had the right to rule and own African people.
People believed that it was the African people's duty to serve them because they were the biologically inferior race. Because of this kind of thinking, people realized how they could use the black race for the economy in the new country.
The Europeans were in the process of building up a prosperous and new country. In order for this dream to be accomplished they needed to acquire many workers for the new world to be conquered , Negroes had to be purchased, as they were the only people able to withstand the toil and climate of America and would be able to work for no money.
Different time, different world, different people. History.


Well-Known Member
People should realize how easy it is to successfully destroy or lock up (encrypt) years worth of evidence if you know the law is coming for you in the digital age. If the 2 man knock on the door approach is what you think is coming, you might very well be successful at doing it.

The FBI didn’t show up like they did because of what Stone was charged with. They did it because of what they think he might be able to destroy if they utilized a more common approach.

So they needed those Ar15s they pointed at Stone to preserve evidence. If they were worried about preserving evidence why did they wait for him to answer the door?