Should the Democratic Gov From VA-Ralph Northam Resign?


Well-Known Member
A mixture of truths, half-truths and at least one false point.
FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know

The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.
Mostly true.
By legal definition - True.

North Carolina’s largest slave holder in 1860 was a black plantation owner named William Ellison.
False. William Ellison, who owned 63 black slaves in the 1860 census, was the largest of the 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina, but far from the largest overall slave holder in the state.

American Indians owned thousands of black slaves.

In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

Many black slaves were allowed to hold jobs, own businesses, and own real estate.
Somewhat true. True before 1750 when Slave Laws were codified so that black slaves were not legally permitted to own property or businesses.

Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.
Mostly true.
European demand for slaves drove up the numbers enslaved.
Most professional slave traders set up bases along the west African coast where they purchased slaves from Africans in exchange for firearms and other goods. Before the end of the seventeenth century, England, France, Denmark, Holland, and Portugal had all established slave trading posts on the west African coast.

Slavery was common for thousands of years.

White people ended legal chattel slavery.
Ironic but True. All legislatures were white men so ... True by default.

Feel better?


Well-Known Member
Lots of theories out there to explain how the act of slavery could be justified and why it occurred. Slavery was a result of "enlightenment" ideals such as the idea of a biologically inferior race, utilitarianism and even trying to prove the moral justification for slavery.( the Bible is full of slaves )
People believed the level a person or race rises to in a society and the wealth they accumulated was determined by their genes. During this time, in an effort to justify slavery, this theory was used to promote the idea that during the seventeen hundreds the white European race was superior to others and so had the right to rule and own African people.
People believed that it was the African people's duty to serve them because they were the biologically inferior race. Because of this kind of thinking, people realized how they could use the black race for the economy in the new country.
The Europeans were in the process of building up a prosperous and new country. In order for this dream to be accomplished they needed to acquire many workers for the new world to be conquered , Negroes had to be purchased, as they were the only people able to withstand the toil and climate of America and would be able to work for no money.
Different time, different world, different people. History.
Plenty of whites have toiled in fields in the South too so I don't think it's fair to say only blacks could withstand the climate. Cotton farming, farming in general, is very labor intensive if you don't have the modern equipment we have today. The sad truth is that if we hadn't advanced technologically to the point where slavery could no longer be justified in any sense, then in every corner of the world groups that are either much larger or more advanced in weaponry would be forcing other groups to do their hard labor. As is today no matter your color if you don't have the skills needed to advance yourself you often have to deal with bosses who see you as a necessary evil to be exploited. If there's a reason to justify socialism that's it in my opinion. But can it work? Doubtful.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lots of theories out there to explain how the act of slavery could be justified and why it occurred. Slavery was a result of "enlightenment" ideals such as the idea of a biologically inferior race, utilitarianism and even trying to prove the moral justification for slavery.( the Bible is full of slaves )
People believed the level a person or race rises to in a society and the wealth they accumulated was determined by their genes. During this time, in an effort to justify slavery, this theory was used to promote the idea that during the seventeen hundreds the white European race was superior to others and so had the right to rule and own African people.
People believed that it was the African people's duty to serve them because they were the biologically inferior race. Because of this kind of thinking, people realized how they could use the black race for the economy in the new country.
The Europeans were in the process of building up a prosperous and new country. In order for this dream to be accomplished they needed to acquire many workers for the new world to be conquered , Negroes had to be purchased, as they were the only people able to withstand the toil and climate of America and would be able to work for no money.
Different time, different world, different people. History.
So what you are saying is, "Slavery was a proposal on the political Progressive's platform half a millennium ago?"


Well-Known Member
Lots of theories out there to explain how the act of slavery could be justified and why it occurred. Slavery was a result of "enlightenment" ideals such as the idea of a biologically inferior race, utilitarianism and even trying to prove the moral justification for slavery.( the Bible is full of slaves )
People believed the level a person or race rises to in a society and the wealth they accumulated was determined by their genes. During this time, in an effort to justify slavery, this theory was used to promote the idea that during the seventeen hundreds the white European race was superior to others and so had the right to rule and own African people.
People believed that it was the African people's duty to serve them because they were the biologically inferior race. Because of this kind of thinking, people realized how they could use the black race for the economy in the new country.
The Europeans were in the process of building up a prosperous and new country. In order for this dream to be accomplished they needed to acquire many workers for the new world to be conquered , Negroes had to be purchased, as they were the only people able to withstand the toil and climate of America and would be able to work for no money.
Different time, different world, different people. History.
And still no justification for slavery. Regardless of time in history.


Just a turd



In 1830 there were 2 million slaves, and you say that 12,000 of them were owned by freed black slaves. So who owned the other 1 ,988,000 and how does this help your point?

Africans in America| Part 3 | Narrative: Map: The Growing New Nation


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And still no justification for slavery. Regardless of time in history.
If no one is looking for justification or questioning the right or wrong of something because of the time and norms of the day, acceptance is what happens , reason for justification isn't needed or thought about.
Sitting where we do and saying there was no justification for slavery is easy. It's hard to think about it from an angle of the world view 200 years ago.
Hard to believe 150 years ago, half the country seen plenty of reasons for its justification. Enough right reasons to go to war.


Well-Known Member
And still no justification for slavery. Regardless of time in history.
They didn't have the machinery we have today. It was a much more brutal time with war waged in your face and men were eviscerated. And the side effect of that was taking slaves to do the work they didn't want to. That was everywhere, not just the U.S.. The invention of machinery like the cotton gin led people called abolitionists to point out the injustice of continuing to keep slaves. Unfortunately for Africans the discovery of two new continents led initially to the founding of huge farms that needed massive amounts of cheap labor to make them economically viable. When I say cheap I mean as in feeding, clothing, housing, not paying. Where was a ready source of human labor that could be justified in the mindset of the day to take? Africa. With the assistance of local rulers. I know you believe there can never be a justification but in a brutal world with a different mindset than today that's how they viewed it. It took time, technological advances, and even men willing to die fighting to change those views. I wish more than anything that you were here because 200 years ago your ancestors booked passage of their own accord to seek a better future in the new world. That you could point to a family bible that had an extensive family tree dating back to that time and full of college educated professionals and eventually photographs of happy family gatherings. But we have two choices, to keep looking back in anger or to move forward to a better life for our families. To hate someone because their skin color is a constant reminder of the past, or to judge them by the content of their character. Life is what you make it going forward.


Engorged Member
In 1830 there were 2 million slaves, and you say that 12,000 of them were owned by freed black slaves. So who owned the other 1 ,988,000 and how does this help your point?

Africans in America| Part 3 | Narrative: Map: The Growing New Nation

Would you please stop disrupting their revisionist history. The Democrats were all KKK members, owned ALL the slaves, who didn't really want freedom anyway.

This is all available in Laura Ingraham's new book " Slavery, Freedom From Africa" available at Amazon (for another 5 minutes) or at