Shouldered by a supervisor


Senior Member
Satellitedriver has the right idea ........sounds like someone needs a good stompin on - could always be done around the corner from work at a shopping center:wink2:
I do not promote the use of violence, it never ends well.
My reaction, to a physical situation, is my way, and, I do not wish anyone to follow my example.
I was taught, by a very wise man, to never fight.
He also said that sometimes you must fight, in defense.
His greatest advice was to do it there and then.
Never would I blackjack someone over such a minor offense.



File, and good job holding back, if it were me I would have went to jail after nearly beating him to death.

Thats probably what he wanted, then he (supe) would be in the clear and Red would be gone. I don't know if I'd have been able to hold back if someone hit me at work...just don't know. Then again, I don't try to give them a reason to so I don't think that'll be an issue.


Well-Known Member
You should put down the bottle! I have no problem exchanging words with anyone sups, managers, and higher ups! I do have a huge problem with violence and being shoved in the work place, and everything I wrote is the 100% truth. I gave a full descrption of what happened.

Even if someone does look at someone the wrong way it does not give anyone the right to touch another! I spoke with my manager this evening and he has until tomorrow morning to resolve this, or I will call corporate and press charges and serve him with a restraining order. No one should have to work under these conditions!
Well, a full descrption would probably fill a small book. Since hourlies and management work extremely close together, and thus the social interaction can easily become exceedingly complex. Don't forget, 12 hours of the day you are wearing brown.


Staff member
Sorry, Red. I think your manager was giving you a line. If he was honestly going to take care of this, you would have already heard that the sup was fired.

I would NOT wait till vacation was over. I would file the assault report with the police NOW. And I would call the 800 number. There are posters everywhere at UPS saying we are a zero tolerance company in regards to workplace violence. I think that includes management (but who knows..).

Looking forward to hearing of this sups unemployment.


Document everything....take an afternoon and write it or type it all down...witnesses...times...etc...Mail a certified delivery receipt letter to your regional HR office and CC everything to corporate HR office...Use the Teamster's free lawyer consult and spend a half hour bringing an attorney up to speed (if you don't have a family lawyer already). Explain to the lawyer if the situation is handled to your satisfaction by the company you work for, you won't require his services. Let HR know in your letter that you are doing this. It will be up to you to reign in the lawyer if things are resolved...don't let him/her pressure you into a frivelous lawsuit that could end in your dismissal through some arbitration...You can also file a complaint at the Police or Sheriff dept...No charges have to be pressed, you can just file an official record of perceived workplace violence, just in case it happens again, you want a record/slash history recorded...In your letter to HR, you need to explain that you have a genuine fear, not only for your personal safety, but also the safety of your family...You have to take the supervisor at his word...he says he is going to make your life a living hell...remember he has access to your social security number, things that could be used to steal your identity, your home address, your personal vehicle parked in the parking lot while you toil away doing your job.

On a personal note, I have wanted to strangle managers from time to time over the years, and Lord knows they have wanted to do the same to me lol, but I would never tolerate a direct threat or especially the physical stuff, nor would I ever threaten or physically intimidate a manager or employee...99.99% of the people I work with, hourly and management, would not want to work at a company that either ignores or condones the kind of behavior you described. Am I naive...? No. I know these kinds of things must happen daily. We work in a physically and mentally high stress job. I just personally don't tolerate it, and over the years, my work group knows this.

That said, unfortunately, intent means everything. I have been smacked, punched, prodded, and hollered at over my years at UPS, but these were always by friends celebrating the birth of a child, the culmination of a saftey milestone, talking trash about this team or that Nascar driver...the intent was never to inflict harm or mental duress. The situation you described had a different intent that should not be tolerated at a company of professionals.

Intent should also weigh in on your judgement. If your intent is "revenge" instead of truly protecting yourself and fellow employees, then frankly, you should be shown the door right along with the dude that threatened you. In your dealings with HR, if it appears revenge is your motive, I fear you will be in for a struggle. Its human nature to not want to help a prick out for revenge (even if it is your job), I know I would not jump to it if I were HR and got a letter demanding the head of your "enemy" on a platter lol...If you are truly stressed and upset about all this, I think you will get a lot further if you are honest and open about this in your letter...

Good luck and God Speed...


Document everything....take an afternoon and write it or type it all down...witnesses...times...etc...Mail a certified delivery receipt letter to your regional HR office and CC everything to corporate HR office...Use the Teamster's free lawyer consult and spend a half hour bringing an attorney up to speed (if you don't have a family lawyer already). Explain to the lawyer if the situation is handled to your satisfaction by the company you work for, you won't require his services. Let HR know in your letter that you are doing this. It will be up to you to reign in the lawyer if things are resolved...don't let him/her pressure you into a frivelous lawsuit that could end in your dismissal through some arbitration...You can also file a complaint at the Police or Sheriff dept...No charges have to be pressed, you can just file an official record of perceived workplace violence, just in case it happens again, you want a record/slash history recorded...In your letter to HR, you need to explain that you have a genuine fear, not only for your personal safety, but also the safety of your family...You have to take the supervisor at his word...he says he is going to make your life a living hell...remember he has access to your social security number, things that could be used to steal your identity, your home address, your personal vehicle parked in the parking lot while you toil away doing your job.

On a personal note, I have wanted to strangle managers from time to time over the years, and Lord knows they have wanted to do the same to me lol, but I would never tolerate a direct threat or especially the physical stuff, nor would I ever threaten or physically intimidate a manager or employee...99.99% of the people I work with, hourly and management, would not want to work at a company that either ignores or condones the kind of behavior you described. Am I naive...? No. I know these kinds of things must happen daily. We work in a physically and mentally high stress job. I just personally don't tolerate it, and over the years, my work group knows this.

That said, unfortunately, intent means everything. I have been smacked, punched, prodded, and hollered at over my years at UPS, but these were always by friends celebrating the birth of a child, the culmination of a saftey milestone, talking trash about this team or that Nascar driver...the intent was never to inflict harm or mental duress. The situation you described had a different intent that should not be tolerated at a company of professionals.

Intent should also weigh in on your judgement. If your intent is "revenge" instead of truly protecting yourself and fellow employees, then frankly, you should be shown the door right along with the dude that threatened you. In your dealings with HR, if it appears revenge is your motive, I fear you will be in for a struggle. Its human nature to not want to help a prick out for revenge (even if it is your job), I know I would not jump to it if I were HR and got a letter demanding the head of your "enemy" on a platter lol...If you are truly stressed and upset about all this, I think you will get a lot further if you are honest and open about this in your letter...

Good luck and God Speed...

I think tricks point that the sup will either deny contact or claim he stumbled into red will come true.

I for the first time also agree with trick that the sup is trying to provoke Red into a physical response. he's not a lone wolf. Someone sic'ed him on Red.
The expression take one for the team comes to mind where someone takes a punch for the team to get rid of a hot head or pain in the ass.

I don't condone these actions and have no problem speaking out against them. Red needs to take his vacation and see how management handled the response.

The problem will be that the "stumble" is going to be difficult to prove to be a deliberate act of physical violence.

Another problem will be that if the sup is disciplined Red may never know what was done.

Now playing devils advocate. Red take a stroke count. Its possible you may have given more abuse then you have so far gotten. If so then you may want to take that into consideration as you decide how far you want to push this.

If you have been a frequent loud hell raiser then people know who you are. this incident will be one where you will have trouble convincing people that you are a victim. This is an incident where your past will hurt you as you go for blood.
Even the words you post here may come back to haunt you.

If you like swimming in the devils pool then you have to expect that you will get burned from time to time.

Crazy as it sounds it may be bragging time. Don't be offended. You have done such a good job of being a pain in the ass that they have now resorted to playing stupid games to try to shut you up. Wear the event as a badge of honor rather then a slap in the face.


Well-Known Member
That's too bad red. No one should have to work under those conditions. Sucks that your blood pressure was that high you couldn't even drive. All for freakin packages. It's just crazy the stress were under.

Now for what to do. I would have called the police. Now I would file a police report. Remember HR is for the company, not you. They are window dressing and that's all. As long as they don't think they are going to be sued or whatever else, they could care less. They are all to cover the companys butt. Nothing more.

Good luck man and try to enjoy your vacation. :happy2:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be relaxing on this vaca if I were you. I would be lining up all my ducks in a row, making your list, checking it twice, we already know who's been naughty and who's been nice. This supe is bad news and needs to go. If he gets away with this, it will only inflate his ego to try and get away with more. Atlanta needs to know about this. And your manager needs to know that you are calling Atlanta. Good luck Red, gonna be a long vaca week for you! If the tables were turned, you would have already been in the unemployment office.


Has A Large Member
If any of those POS supervisors ever laid a hand on me I'd do everything in my power to get them fired! That kind of behavior should not be tolerated at a workplace.

Call me sadistic, but I'd give my left nut to see the face on that supervisor when he gets canned!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday morning at work the preload had a bad day and did not wrap on time. I asked for air help from my ft on car sup, he said I could deliver it no problem. I went to my manager and explained that it is 925am and I have 13 air stops and 2 ssi accounts that must be delivered by 1030 and I still have a 20 minute drive to the route.

He said that I was right and he would make sure my sup would get me help. Well guess what, it was too hard for my sup to find help, it meant that he would accutally require him working for his paycheck. I had 9 late air packages.

I had a total of 47 stops for 571 pieces, all boxex not many letters involved. I delivered airs until 11am and had to start delivering the grounds. I was way behind and could not finish my deliveries and take a lunch, so I decided I would work through alot of my lunch to make service to the customers this 1 time.

The sup shows up close to 2pm and I still have 8 stops for 30 pieces including 6 nda savers. He has a raised tone in his voice and told me I friend* him on purpose. He told me I was done at my 1st stop at 945, I tried explaining that i started scanning 87 packages which 35 of them were international express asd's and I had to enter the 6 digit shipper number for each one. He wanted nothing to do with having a discussion, it was his way and that it.

He procedded to tell me he was going to friend* me and take away my gravy work and screw me every chance he gets. I told him that after I was finished with this delivery that I was taking my full hour lunch and 10 minute break and he would have to cover my deliveries or pickups, because i start pick ups at 215ish. He walked away from me laughing.

I took my lunch and notified my manager what just happened, he pleaded with me to finish my deliveries and than take my lunch, which I did for my manager In driving with this driver the sup told him I was a J** off for taking my lunch and I would get what I had coming.

This morning the sup asked my preloader to go to the other end of the dock, and he approached me with his voice raised and called me a friend* liar and threw his shoulder into me. Others in the area heard him and had turned around just in time to see him assault me.

I repeated 3 times to get away from me and each time I raised my voice for others to hear me incase i had to defend my self. After the third request i walked away from the situtation so I would not be put in a violent position.

The sup continued to laugh at me and told me to drive the truck. I explained to my manager that i was assaulted and to stressed out to operate the truck safely. I asked for the police to be called and the dm to come to the center.

I was then taken to the clinic for a fitness for duty test. And UPS's doctor agreed that I was not safe to drive today because my pulse and blood pressure were high.

I was driven back to UPS and dropped off at my truck and told to go home and come back after my vacation which starts tomorrow.

My manager said he would address this situtation, should I take his word or should I go to the police department and file assault charges on this sup. If the shoe was on the other foot, we all know I would have been walked out in handcuffs!

Sorry its long I wanted to get all the details in the first time. This sup should be fired!
:happy2:i would of filed a police report.also if you have a witness that should ok.after you file call union ba.i wouldn't talk to any mgr.about unless you have a steward only.


Well-Known Member
If any of those POS supervisors ever laid a hand on me I'd do everything in my power to get them fired! That kind of behavior should not be tolerated at a workplace.

Call me sadistic, but I'd give my left nut to see the face on that supervisor when he gets canned!

He probably won't get "canned". I know a feeder division manager that got caught altering the ICC hours of some drivers who had gone over 60. The part that got him fired was he lied when confronted by the auditors. This gentleman got escorted out the gate only to reappear in another hub several hours away. The ethnicity of the fired/dishonest/no integrity division manager may have played a role. Draw your own conclusion.
The public needs to know there is a distinct difference between how the hourly people and the esteemed management people are treated when it comes to integrity and dishonesty.


I wouldn't be relaxing on this vaca if I were you. I would be lining up all my ducks in a row, making your list, checking it twice, we already know who's been naughty and who's been nice. This supe is bad news and needs to go. If he gets away with this, it will only inflate his ego to try and get away with more. Atlanta needs to know about this. And your manager needs to know that you are calling Atlanta. Good luck Red, gonna be a long vaca week for you! If the tables were turned, you would have already been in the unemployment office.

Helen makes some good points. The more I think about this, I wonder if ups was playing a chess game of sorts with one piece (the sup) being used to try to take out an opposing piece. Sup might have been encouraged to take such an action in the hopes of elicting a physical response from you. They take out a pain in the butt rook(chicagored) and lose a knight (the sup -who can easily reappear in another hub). This action puts the other rooks(stewards) in a defensive fearful position and keeps all the other pawns and pieces on the opposing team in what they feel are their rightful positions:ones of fear for their protective rook is gone. . If you don't play chess, you won't get it.

Anyway , just a thought


Staff member
But...but...but...What about "zero tolerance"?

Are we now saying it does NOT apply to management? Any management people care to comment?

To me "zero tolerance" means TERMINATED, not transferred.


Helen makes some good points. The more I think about this, I wonder if ups was playing a chess game of sorts with one piece (the sup) being used to try to take out an opposing piece. Sup might have been encouraged to take such an action in the hopes of elicting a physical response from you. They take out a pain in the butt rook(chicagored) and lose a knight (the sup -who can easily reappear in another hub). This action puts the other rooks(stewards) in a defensive fearful position and keeps all the other pawns and pieces on the opposing team in what they feel are their rightful positions:ones of fear for their protective rook is gone. . If you don't play chess, you won't get it.

Anyway , just a thought

oops, I see I called him chicagored when it should have been 705red


Nine Lives
But...but...but...What about "zero tolerance"?

Are we now saying it does NOT apply to management? Any management people care to comment?

To me "zero tolerance" means TERMINATED, not transferred.
OK I'll bite.
For every management person that retains their job, ten bargaining unit employees keep their job. At least!
But that's ok ... we know that is the playing field.