sick days


Well-Known Member
And you really think that management won't know you're not sick and you're blowing off work to go to a football game? It sounds like you live/work in an area where a lot of people will be absent from work because of the game. Now, guess who they will most likely make the example out of, what happens when you call in sick for a football game, the 30 year guy or the 3 month guy?


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine. Just call the "call out" number and say u can't make it. Then 2 hours before start time, just text your sup and say " just wanted to let you know that I called out today and can't make it"


Well-Known Member
I plan on calling in sick on monday, but i've only been wish UPS for 3 months. I recently got put on the sort aisle from loading. It says in our packet that new part-time employee's will be eligible for sick pay after completing 6 months of continuous employment. If I call in on monday will that mess up my sick days or get me sent back to loading?

I just looked up the schedule---the 49ers are playing the 2nd game on Monday night (7:30pm PST). Listen to the game while working the sort.