Silicon Valley Bank


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
all banks too big to fail now

theres supposed to be risk and reward in private sector. but now theres reward and no risk.

central bank doesnt understand economics. in fact, im sure most schools dont teach economics properly
Especially in Canada


Well-Known Member
They don’t believe him because they know he’s a lying sack of turds.
Yep but I really find it Funny that there’s quite a few people on this website who would be screaming if Trump administration was in charge and did this because he was taking care of the rich people. But since it’s Biden they make excuses. Hypocrites.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
  • Tom King, 63, was the only member of the Silicon Valley Bank board who had experience in investment banking
  • The others were major Obama and Clinton mega-donors, including who cried when Trump won in 2016
  • The board is now being investigated for its failure to act ahead of the bank's collapse, as some argue it was too focused on being woke

  • The board is now being investigated by federal authorities after it failed to prevent the bank from going under while it was investing clients' money in risky low-interest government bonds and securities.



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
  • Tom King, 63, was the only member of the Silicon Valley Bank board who had experience in investment banking
  • The others were major Obama and Clinton mega-donors, including who cried when Trump won in 2016
  • The board is now being investigated for its failure to act ahead of the bank's collapse, as some argue it was too focused on being woke

  • The board is now being investigated by federal authorities after it failed to prevent the bank from going under while it was investing clients' money in risky low-interest government bonds and securities.

One member was on the feds board of bank examiners 😂