Silicon Valley Bank


Well-Known Member
2008 said differently. Once banks start investing and “spreading the risk”…well they all kinda work the same and are linked.
A lot of it was extremely low interest rates for over a decade. To get a return banks were investing in government bonds. But the bonds value dropped as interest rates rose recently. So the banks are losing money on the bonds they already hold.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
A lot of it was extremely low interest rates for over a decade. To get a return banks were investing in government bonds. But the bonds value dropped as interest rates rose recently. So the banks are losing money on the bonds they already hold.
Plus the fed raised the interest rate which strangled the housing market. They may not raise it this time.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
2008 said differently. Once banks start investing and “spreading the risk”…well they all kinda work the same and are linked.
The investment banks were buying the notes from the retail and commercial banks. Then sold them to insurance companies, pension funds, endowments and 401ks.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
To a degree but they all have to loan out the money you deposit so that they can cover costs. They’re allowed to do that at a 10 to ratio.
I guess my point was, after the sub prime fiasco, how aren't internal, state or federal regulators protecting the interests of both borrowers and financiers.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I guess my point was, after the sub prime fiasco, how aren't internal, state or federal regulators protecting the interests of both borrowers and financiers.
They are. Lending got much much tighter. SVB took in way too much money way too fast. They couldn’t loan it fast enough and be responsible. So they put it all in 10 year treasuries. That was all fine until fed started raising rates.


Staff member
A lot of it was extremely low interest rates for over a decade. To get a return banks were investing in government bonds. But the bonds value dropped as interest rates rose recently. So the banks are losing money on the bonds they already hold.
Right. But that kind of invesing wasn’t only going on by SVB. So which other banks will be in turmoil soon?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
She is correct in 2008 title 2 Frank / Dodd legislation, says no more bailouts only bailins all the depositors are going to receive vouchers, and it will be put into receivership. Everyone’s money will become one giant pool to pay back secured creditor’s. That was the. “Reform”

How many normal Americans get a bailout or bailin? None


Well-Known Member
Do you know how banks work?
Yes and where are the regulators? Doesn’t matter what laws are on the books if no one enforces them… where are the regulators? Crime was committed and laws were broken. Why won’t they be arrested like us? You see the problem? Poor people allow rich people to do whatever they want. Fascinating to watch.