Für Meno :)
Tie you sound like a driver that just had his route relooped and going out with the new diad 5 today without any training Give it a chance and lets see how it works before dismissing it. Alot of people have put their careers on the line to pass this bill.
On a serious note Tie, have you ever seen the movie John Q? A family struggling to get by, but they keep on trying. They refuse handouts and wont apply for Gov assistance, and when the fathers hours get cut from 40 down to 20 his insurance gets lowered without him even knowing it. But when his son needs a life saving surgery, even though hes paid his bills and kept current on his medical he is denied. If I have to pat a little more to ensure that someone like this can receive the treatment they need than in all for it.
It really hits home when your in the hospital with your own kids and the Dr's dont know whats the matter. I can tell everyone not one time did I ever question that if our insurance would cover this or cover that. Now I could not imagine having to have that worry along with my sick son.
Tie your insurance was good enough to pick up most of teh tab on your Heart surgery, imagine not having that insurance. Where would you be? The burden that puts on families should not have to happen. IMO
What Tie left out, actually. Is the younger ones require more hospital visits then the middle aged ones. They do sports, (broken bones), speed on streets and highways (more accidents), and are dare devils in basically anything. From mountain climbing, to alcohol or drug poisening. They constribute a larger burden on healthcare as thier parents do.
Same as small children. Every city has a childrens hospital. From allergies, to breaks and falls, to severe colds and fevers.
Yes, the older people take a burden on health expenses , too. But, by then they are already covered under Medicare.
Tie, just doesn't have his facts straight.