So they started taking temperature and asking if you have signs of the flu...


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Starting last month, the guards were screening for covid... in May instead of January when this pandemic was spreading...

I asked them if someone in this building was positive and why are they starting now instead of December 2019 ???

Found out here:

So it's a reactive action, not proactive.

I had signs of the flu in February, but not to the point of being in bed and hardly breathing.

Did cover my face during January to today if I can't maintain my social distance.

Others probably has the virus, but are asymptomatic

Shrugs, I should get a free testing but, eh...


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Bump, so no one else is having to do this at either FXE or FXG terminals?

Only used that FXE ramp as an example and I'm sure other FXE ramps were affected...

I'm watching the pm news that there's an uptick in cases in about 15 states where they allow more businesses to open.

It's the common folk that aren't adhering to mask/social distance/ hand washing that are spreading that virus again.


Well-Known Member
Security guards doing temperature testing? I'm sure they all have an extensive medical background. My god! What a second rate bottom feeding operation that company has become.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Security guards doing temperature testing? I'm sure they all have an extensive medical background. My god! What a second rate bottom feeding operation that company has become.

Doesn't take much of a medical background to operate a thermometer.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Don't condemn that. I'm sure UPS and Amazon are doing similar things to convey a false sense of security for their essential workforce.

Arizona, as one of the states that were gradually opening up businesses, were seeing a rise in cases this late in the season.

With their relative high temperature, it's not just a common flu that comes during the winter months

PS, I was held at the guard shack one day last week since I was a bit overheated from running gunning on a hot/humid day... they made me wait in an air conditioned room for me to cool down and finally cleared me to drive inside the building to unload my pickups/outbound freight


Well-Known Member
Doesn't take much of a medical background to operate a thermometer.
Ok. So when you need your next hemorrhoid surgery (people sitting at a desk all day are known to have that problem) Fat Freddy can send in the guy who fills up the pop machine with his pocket knife and a bottle of turpentine . If guards doing temp checks is good enough in your opinion then this form of low cost out patient surgery is good enough as well.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Ok. So when you need your next hemorrhoid surgery (people sitting at a desk all day are known to have that problem) Fat Freddy can send in the guy who fills up the pop machine with his pocket knife and a bottle of turpentine . If guards doing temp checks is good enough in your opinion then this form of low cost out patient surgery is good enough as well.
@bacha29's absurdity reaches a new pinnacle. :congratualtions:


I'm a star
It's the common folk that aren't adhering to mask/social distance/ hand washing that are spreading that virus again.

Wrong. Contact tracing hasn't yielded any evidence that the virus is spreading through casual contact. It is being spread by people spending hours cooped up in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation, masks or no masks. Masks do not have an effect on the amount of infectious particles in the air in enclosed spaces.

Star B

White Lightening
None of it happening at my station. If they’re too cheap to rent vehicles to meet service, I doubt they would set up fever checkpoints.
I saw a customer with an automated fever checkpoint. I didn't have time to play with it but it was an iPad with a printer and an infared thermometer on an arm.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I saw a customer with an automated fever checkpoint. I didn't have time to play with it but it was an iPad with a printer and an infared thermometer on an arm.
We just got something like that. As you walk through the metal detector the camera tracks you and displays your temp on a laptop. This morning mine was 97. Lol.