So what exactly is happening on August 1st?


Well-Known Member
Simply --

There will be NO Raises. I am not sure about new hire raises, since those are set X amount of days from Hire, I would assume those would still take place.

I see this as a way for the People who didn't vote because they are new(ish) to vote yes now to get the Little raise..... $.70 3.5 hour guarantee x 5 days is $12.25 a week BEFORE Taxes and New Union dues.

So, is the pocket change worth selling out??????????????

This entire thing is a Mess, and it has split so Many Union Members it is stupid... All to squeeze the union guy from both ends...

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Stink, my issue with you labeling me and others has. nothing to do with sensitivity. But has everything to do with not being able to debate someone that throws out labels rather then facts and points of view. You maybe successful at your distraction techniques in the aspect that I will choose to no longer engage with you directly.

Excellent reply KOC. All he deserves. Some people in the world are ment to follow. The ones with a big mouth think they matter. Stink is the prime example.


Well-Known Member
10 to go. Let me start by stating I do believe there is room for improvement in the contract. I am not happy with hearing zilch from either Hoffa or Hall. I think they do owe us at least something of substance even if it isn't anything more then " we hear you and we are working to address the issues". That said, disgruntled people are usually the loudest. We, the rank and file who voted no, are the most vocal as most people who are happy with the TA will not seek out BC to praise it. Stink and 407 are one of the few vocal supporters of the TA out of the majority that supported the TA. I can understand their frustration with those of us who are very vocal about our concerns. I believe I was a bit harsh in my responses to Stink. They are fighting an uphill battle being that they are in the minority when it comes to threads about the TA even though it was passed with a majority vote. Must be frustrating.

I still stand by my beliefs that we should be hearing something and that with the facts I have, it isn't the best we could of gotten without collapsing UPS.
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Omega man

Well-Known Member
we will lock the gates. a million people will apply as replacement workers . $15 an hour for package and feeder and minimum wage for part timers. no bennies.

take it or leave it.

The workers will then all Unionize because of management's abusive treatment and UPS will be back where it started only with a totally unskilled workforce.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Stink, my issue with you labeling me and others has. nothing to do with sensitivity. But has everything to do with not being able to debate someone that throws out labels rather then facts and points of view. You maybe successful at your distraction techniques in the aspect that I will choose to no longer engage with you directly.

10 to go. Let me start by stating I do believe there is room for improvement in the contract. I am not happy with hearing zilch from either Hoffa or Hall. I think they do owe us at least something of substance even if it isn't anything more then " we hear you and we are working to address the issues". That said, disgruntled people are usually the loudest. We, the rank and file who voted no, are the most vocal as most people who are happy with the TA will not seek out BC to praise it. Stink and 407 are one of the few vocal supporters of the TA out of the majority that supported the TA. I can understand their frustration with those of us who are very vocal about our concerns. I believe I was a bit harsh in my responses to Stink. They are fighting an uphill battle being that they are in the minority when it comes to threads about the TA even though it was passed with a majority vote. Must be frustrating.

I still stand by my beliefs that we should be hearing something and that with the facts I have, it isn't the best we could of gotten without collapsing UPS.

I whole heartedly hope you are corect. But, the union will get us very little more. If any. There is no loyalty to workers from the union. It's about political posturing and as much cash they can muster up. No matter who is left behind. The small percentage voters. Who, ironicly is the largest in the union. Can't. Even vote. Not even counting cover drivers. They will never get a chance. Yes a word from Hoffa and hall may settle some. I'm not counting on them