
Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
And an era in US Women's Soccer comes to an end. Abby Wambach played her last game last night. She's officially retired. She's probably knocked out this morning after a night celebrating on Bourbon St.


Staff member
I do like the way she left. She knew she was in decline and didn't try to stretch it out in a kind of reaching for glory days that are long gone. Looking forward to seeing what she decided to do going forward.


nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
yeah. It's a statewide program that has periodic training and then they invite attendees to form a team to play other state teams. Really great competition and training.
Out of my budget. Lol. Sounds awesome though. My daughter just made the JV team at her school as keeper. She's happy.


Staff member
Out of my budget. Lol. Sounds awesome though. My daughter just made the JV team at her school as keeper. She's happy.
keepers are awesome! I always thought they were the fat, slow kids...and then I started watching the games and training. Our experience weird thing going is that it seems like parents of keepers always segregate themselves a little bit from other parents especially at particularly tough games. I can't count the number of times I've do everything it and found myself standing next to a parent of the other team's keeper.