socialized healthcare


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. But whether or not you had any prior knowledge the moment I brought up the proposal you would normally be on my back with your usual "socialist" fear mongering. Why not this time? Simple. It's a plan you would be ideally suited for and you know it could benefit you and as we all know any publicly funded program that stands to benefit you is what did you call it ? Oh, that's right....."social Insurance". The ones you don't qualify for are pure evil socialism Using the expanded Medicare to access preventative care you might not otherwise be able to afford could in turn actually save Medicare money later on. If it becomes reality it's my hope that you would qualify for it and that it can actually improve your overall health as well as save public dollars later on.
You ranting about something I'm not familiar with. Rant away.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Biden's public option. This is what I have been thinking would work. Have a payroll deduction option for the working poor. It could only be a maximum percentage of wages. So kind of a like a token amount so that everyone feels like there contributing. This would be good tax policy to create both dignity and responsibility in the lower end income brackets.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Biden's public option. This is what I have been thinking would work. Have a payroll deduction option for the working poor. It could only be a maximum percentage of wages. So kind of a like a token amount so that everyone feels like there contributing. This would be good tax policy to create both dignity and responsibility in the lower end income brackets.
One trip to Wal-Mart and you know the dignity option will not work.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Having some income is better than free is my point. Obviously you wouldn't qualify if you're illegal. There are always going to be folks that fall through the cracks so family or charitable organizations would be their only choice.
The working poor problem needs to be addressed. Any upser that has a route see and hear about it frequently.
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Well-Known Member
Having some income is better than free is my point. Obviously you wouldn't qualify if you're illegal. There are always going to be folks that fall through the cracks so family or charitable organizations would be there only choice.
The working poor problem needs to be addressed. Any upser that has a route see and hear about it frequently.
The key word in the Biden public option plan is just that. it's an OPTION. if you don't want in it you don't have to be in it. Then again when you go to the hospital and sign that authorization to treat form you are at that point 100% liable for every cent of billed charges. Therefore, if the public option is your ONLY option you'll sign up for even if it is oh god forbid....."socialized healthcare".....But, you know come to think of it we already have socialized healthcare...Yeah, we really do....It's called Medicare.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I would rather have market conditions create competition for workers such that additional perks were necessary to attract employees. But, statistical lower end full-time jobs will stay just that, lower end. It's this group that needs an option.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I would rather have market conditions create competition for workers such that additional perks were necessary to attract employees. But, statistical lower end full-time jobs will stay just that, lower end. It's this group that needs an option.
Why do you want your employer to choose your doctor and what health procedures are covered?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Public Citizen‏Verified account @Public_Citizen 10m10 minutes ago

Don't be fooled by Trump's corporate-backed talking points. #MedicareForAll would: -Improve Medicare's benefits for seniors -Increase access to care without adding to the deficit -Reduce admin costs by $500 billion/year -Encourage economic growth -Not increase wait times

  1. Public Citizen Retweeted
    SocialSecurityWorks‏Verified account @SSWorks 39m39 minutes ago

    SocialSecurityWorks Retweeted julie rovner

    Exactly. The Trump Administration is pouring public money into for-profit Medicare Advantage plans, which restrict people's choice of doctors and hospitals.

    SocialSecurityWorks added,

    julie rovnerVerified account @jrovner
    Trump currently touting his changes to Medicare Advantage as a counter to Obama's promise that "you can keep your doctor." Except the biggest tradeoff in Medicare Advantage is that you CAN'T keep your doctor...
    4 replies 74 retweets 108 likes

  2. Public Citizen Retweeted
    Public Citizen‏Verified account @Public_Citizen 4h4 hours ago

    Public Citizen Retweeted Bloomberg

    Trump's budget includes $845,000,000,000 in cuts to Medicare.

    Public Citizen added,

    BloombergVerified account @business
    Trump is set to announce an executive order regarding the Medicare system, titled “Protecting Medicare from Socialist Destruction” Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Well-Known Member
And their wealthy fly to the U.S. to get better care while the average Frenchman settles for less. Imagine that.
Yeah, we've heard it all before out of you but in the end you'll still go down and sign up for that evil, socialist healthcare plan called Medicare that's if you can continue to work until your 65 and by your own admission you don't know if you will be able. Soooo if that were to happen and your application for SSD is denied which means that even if approved you would still have to wait two years to get on Medicare and the public buy into Medicare option was approved and it's simply that an OPTION and it happens to be your ONLY'd be all over it .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yeah, we've heard it all before out of you but in the end you'll still go down and sign up for that evil, socialist healthcare plan called Medicare that's if you can continue to work until your 65 and by your own admission you don't know if you will be able. Soooo if that were to happen and your application for SSD is denied which means that even if approved you would still have to wait two years to get on Medicare and the public buy into Medicare option was approved and it's simply that an OPTION and it happens to be your ONLY'd be all over it .
Geeezus ... buy a new album and quit playing the same damn song over and over!!