Sooo I did something bad


Well-Known Member
Customers are the ENEMY.
Anyone who orders a 160 lb trampoline in the mail is the ENEMY.
Yes, exactly! If these damn customers would just haul their ass to the store and buy everything we wouldn’t have any work to do! Oh, wait.........yeah I like having an income. Never mind.... 🤣


Active Member
You actually deserve to get fired. But without a witness or willingness to grab the camera footage you’ll only be questioned about it. If anything at all. Karma will prevail. Next summer (if you’re still employees at UPS) when you are digging through that metal oven, and sweating bullets trying to find your next stop, just stop for a second and remind yourself that you too refused to send in misloads.

Scan everything and ASAP. Don’t wait until you get back to the center. Scan as a misload as soon as you find them and then immediately sheet as missed. That way your ass is covered should you be told to bring them back or if management comes and retrieves them and attempts to hide them.

Another driver will be searching for that non-existent package in their truck. Find a misload, immediately send in the message, so it comes out of the other driver's board. And they don't waste time driving to that stop.

Don't you hate when you can't find a customer's package and they're standing in their yard waiting, only to finally have to regretfully inform them you don't have it?? "But it's little Billy's gift for finally beating cancer! Aww...poor Billy!" You look down into little Billy's eyes, welling up with tears of disappointment. And you tell him. You say "Well Billy. Congrats on beating cancer. But it looks like your package will be MISSED!! Then start the truck rev the engine to about 900 rpm, pop that hand brake and screech off into the sunset. Luckily this is Jeff's bid route, that's what that bastard gets for using an option 3 on a Tuesday after a 3 day weekend.


Allergic to cardboard.

Another driver will be searching for that non-existent package in their truck. Find a misload, immediately send in the message, so it comes out of the other driver's board. And they don't waste time driving to that stop.

Don't you hate when you can't find a customer's package and they're standing in their yard waiting, only to finally have to regretfully inform them you don't have it?? "But it's little Billy's gift for finally beating cancer! Aww...poor Billy!" You look down into little Billy's eyes, welling up with tears of disappointment. And you tell him. You say "Well Billy. Congrats on beating cancer. But it looks like your package will be MISSED!! Then start the truck rev the engine to about 900 rpm, pop that hand brake and screech off into the sunset. Luckily this is Jeff's bid route, that's what that bastard gets for using an option 3 on a Tuesday after a 3 day weekend.
This is why I’ve gotten into the habit of making sure I have the package for the next stop when covering a rural route. Nothing worse than driving a mile down a driveway for nothing.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
Today was a very bad day, 13 hour day. No excuses for what I did though. I had 18 misloads. 18. Found them just stuck in my 5 shelf. Didnt send any of them in. I took them all off my truck and stuck them in the clerks send again pile.
I did a very bad thing. What are they chances they will check the cameras or really dig to see who did this? At the time I didn't care but now I'm worried sick.
I should have sent them in and sheeted them. Take this as a lesson.
You'll be Ok.
Why, you might ask?
Because you're a PART-TIME SUPERVISOR and this site is loaded
for propaganda messages such as this.

New Member;

"Hello, I slid into an awning today and tore off a 2' section. I didn't report it. Will I be OK?"


"This job is BS, they sent me out with 410 stops alone! I can't do this!"

reply (usually from Wally or Turd)

"Suck it up, Buttercup... that's how you make bank"


an online social media room CHAULK FULL of Management!



Just a dog
I don't know about that
I delivered 4 yesterday that took a little over an hour
$15 a stop is pretty sweet
UPS has afforded me the opportunity to invest and to have a 5 digit emergency fund in savings. My bills are paid and 1 hour extra time with my family is as sweet as it gets for me.