Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

The Driver

I drive.
Coronavirus is a hoax, CDC is stumbling over its own words. Game over
It's not a hoax. It's a pathogen that's killed over 600,000 Americans and counting. And we have vaccines that protect you at no cost to you at the time of injection. And then it's over for you until you may need a booster shot. Like we do for influenza every year.

Then you can sit back smugly and watch over-confident morons get themselves killed. ;) Just kidding.
It's not a hoax. It's a pathogen that's killed over 600,000 Americans and counting. And we have vaccines that protect you at no cost to you at the time of injection. And then it's over for you until you may need a booster shot. Like we do for influenza every year.

Then you can sit back smugly and watch over-confident morons get themselves killed. ;) Just kidding.
How many regular flu shots have you gotten?


Inordinately Right
How'd your day go posting dumb racist memes on 8chan, son? Did you accomplish anything or make the world a better place?
Jesus dude, you really think you're accomplishing something by coming on here and regurgitating the filth you watch on MSNBC?

Get a grip buddy.

The Driver

I drive.
No. And I don't need one to know these flip-flopping retards would've just found another excuse to push masks even if we had 100% vaccination.
No. You're just a paranoid individual. You think this makes Biden look good? That's dumb as a box of rocks. This is a setback for his administration. They want to be able to claim victory over this stupid thing but it's smarter than most of Trump's America and smarter than inner city people who are mainlining Facebook misinformation.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
No. You're just a paranoid individual. You think this makes Biden look good? That's dumb as a box of rocks. This is a setback for his administration. They want to be able to claim victory over this stupid thing but it's smarter than most of Trump's America and smarter than inner city people who are mainlining Facebook misinformation.
Alright, Dr. Grey. Let's hear your medical credentials that give you the ability to say this with a straight face:

The vaccine is safe and effective.

The vaccines are safe. The vaccines are effective. Period.

Or are you just a great, big hippopotocrite?

The Driver

I drive.
Alright, Dr. Grey. Let's hear your medical credentials that give you the ability to say this with a straight face:

Or are you just a great, big hippopotocrite?

Ok, dude. I don't have to be credentialed to say that the vaccines are safe and effective because the smartest minds in virology, medicine and epidemiology are all on the same page.

I'm relying on their expertise to make an informed decision. Just like I would if I needed a heart transplant. I'm not going to second-guess the entire field of medicine if I need a new heart and they're the ones with expertise.

I can almost assure you that your doctor would say to get protected by getting vaccinated.

96% of physicians are vaccinated.

You seriously don't understand the difference here?