Stephen Harper, prime minister of Canada


Für Meno :)
Stephen Harper : "We must distract the idiots from our true intent. What can we do? Aha! FaceBook kittens!"

Klein: " Awwww.... so cute!"

Again, he got my vote. The Progressive Conservative Party, and he has been PM for 7 years.
Promises to have a budget surplus within 3 years.

Even your Ron Paul calls for $8 Trillion more deficit in 10 years.
Good luck !


Again, he got my vote. The Progressive Conservative Party, and he has been PM for 7 years.
Promises to have a budget surplus within 3 years.

Even your Ron Paul calls for $8 Trillion more deficit in 10 years.
Good luck !

Harper is the devil in disguise. "Stephen" indeed, try "Steven" as in Steven Joseph Harper. Counting the number of letters in the first, middle , and last name we have 6 6 6. The anti christ rules over Canada.


Well-Known Member
Even your Ron Paul calls for $8 Trillion more deficit in 10 years

Understanding that nothing is impossible in politics, I took the highlighted bold statement above and entered into google looking for the source that Ron Paul called for such. Now as I said anything is possible in politics but I do know enough about American politics had Ron done such a thing, it would be blasted all over everywhere, rightfully so and I'd want it that way. But after entering the above into the google search engine, this is the results I got so Klein could you do us Americans a big favor and point out which source you used to back up the claim you made. Thanks for helping us make America a better place!

Here fishy, fishy, fishy.......I wonder if Moreluck has a recipe for cooking Mullet!


Für Meno :)
Was on CNN, that would be the place to start.
I need to get ready, and get going here soon, but will look for it later.

Could have been on the "Your $$$$" show.

Oh gee, having a bad morning :
Another one I got mixed up with.
It's Paul Ryan's Budget ! Sorry, again.
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