stewards rights?


Well-Known Member
The steward has rights to any info regarding your defense. Sometimes you have to put it in writing, and maybe even send a copy to the district labor manager. Sometimes they will bypass the steward and deal strictly with the ba, so send them (ba/local) a copy of the request for info and stay on them about the info you need.

I agree it sounds odd the steward had no knowledge and it went to panel even once, much less 3 times. The local level would be first usually, but maybe the panel kicked it back to them and told them to hammer it out through a local level, but then again 3 times? bizzarre!


Browncafe Steward
Its possible to go 3 times the company gets 1 hold the union gets 1 hold and the 3rd time its possible to get sent back to the parties to resolve after the facts were heard. But it sounds like his termination was upheld according to your post. Do you have anymore info?