Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Those weren't finger guns the insurrectionist were threatening Congress with on January 6th.


I'm a star
Since Trump is now a private citizen, I wonder if he'll start suing all the garbage leftist media outlets who continue to claim that he explicitly called for the riot at the capitol.


Well-Known Member
That is what AOC said:

Ocasio-Cortez described being inside her congressional office with a single staffer, her legislative director Gerardo Bonilla Chavez, in the early afternoon when they heard "huge, violent bangs" on the door of her office. Bonilla Chavez told her to "run and hide," so Ocasio-Cortez ran into the bathroom.
"I thought I was going to die," she said. "I have never been quieter in my entire life."
But then she heard Bonilla Chavez, who she calls "G," say that it was safe and she could come out of hiding. When she emerged from the bathroom, she discovered that it was a Capitol Police officer, and not rioters, who'd been banging on her door. The officer directed her to evacuate, unescorted, to a nearby building.

The congresswoman and her staffer ran to the other building, looking for a particular member's office when they stumbled upon Rep. Katie Porter's office and asked to take refuge there.
"We start hearing the yells of these people … and it just feels like it's a matter of seconds when these doors are going to break through and they're going to get in," she said of hearing the mob outside the building.
Ocasio-Cortez spent several hours with Porter and a few staffers in that office, during which time they braced for an attack. Staffers pushed furniture up against the door.
"I'm preparing for one of the wings of the building to explode," she said. "We're sheltering and I'm thinking what do we do if the building explodes? ... What do we do if they break in?"
The two congresswomen later moved to Rep. Ayanna Pressley's office, where Ocasio-Cortez stayed until around 4 am.

Any way you spin it she's being quite the drama queen. I guess she thought the pissed off voters were fictitious characters on twitter.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Is Porter's office in the Capitol Bldg? If so, why would the Capitol Police direct AOC to leave her office in a building not under "attack", and to go to a building that is under "attack"? If Porter's office is in yet another building, what difference does any of this make to the point?
What difference does any of this make.- Hillary Clinton / Cuomo


I'm a star
What difference does any of this make.- Hillary Clinton / Cuomo
I'm not sure you understood the point I was making. The original point was that AOC was exhibiting her narcissism and persecution complex. The answer to that was that she wasn't in her office. My point was that It doesn't make any difference whose office she was in if she was never in any real danger. She's still a narcissist with a persecution complex.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I'm not sure you understood the point I was making. The original point was that AOC was exhibiting her narcissism and persecution complex. The answer to that was that she wasn't in her office. My point was that It doesn't make any difference whose office she was in if she was never in any real danger. She's still a narcissist with a persecution complex.
I understand the point.
I was just messin’ with you.


Strength through joy

According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.


Well-Known Member
It seems that with each passing day more lies, more deception about the "insurrection" and Biden's overwhelming victory are being exposed.

Biden can relish in the fact that he will never be forced out of office due to the deceit.

He can continue on his slow, insidious goal of the collapse of America.