Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
It seems that with each passing day more lies, more deception about the "insurrection" and Biden's overwhelming victory are being exposed.

Biden can relish in the fact that he will never be forced out of office due to the deceit.

He can continue on his slow, insidious goal of the collapse of America.
I can't imagine the damage carrying around this degree of hate, angst, and conspiracy must do to your psyche, and overall well-being. Cheer up. The sun will come out tomorrow, I promise, despite what you may have heard on OANN.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Staff member
I can't imagine the damage carrying around this degree of hate, angst, and conspiracy must do to your psyche, and overall well-being. Cheer up. The sun will come out tomorrow, I promise, despite what you may have heard on OANN.
You should have heard these guys when Obama got elected, what you're seeing now is actually pretty tame.


Inordinately Right
So your liberal fact check says she wasn't in any danger, she was just being a whiny little drama queen. Typical for Democraps.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I can't imagine the damage carrying around this degree of hate, angst, and conspiracy must do to your psyche, and overall well-being.
Too bad you weren't around for the Trump years ... this is about 1/10th the level of "hate, angst, and conspiracy".
In fact, it is silly and boring ... I can't even get interested in 'party vs party' because it is so insipid and tedious and above all lame.

El Correcto

god is dead