Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
In a few weeks another larger COVID relief package is expected to be passed and the people who you saw attempting to overthrow the U.S. government will take their relief checks drawn against none other than the United States Treasury and happily head off to the bank to cash them.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The claims of a "rigged" election and voter fraud have long since been disproven by members of Trump's own administration. In fact early this PM in his address to the senators of his own party rejecting his fellow Republican senators plans to oppose the certification of Biden's election McConnell made it as plain as it could be made under oath and for the record .."there was NO widespread fraud".



Well-Known Member
I like how American Trump supporters are all overweight rednecks with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths!

So proud of America right now
I like how Chinese Biden supporters are running around with bags of cash seeing which Democrats can be bribed.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Go through my post history and try to tell me I wasn't there for it.

If you're gonna rail against the communists as we all should, you should at least be consistent in your support for democracy.
Democracy is a pretty word but we're in a republic.

I told you. I :censored2:ing told you. What did you say? You want me to go through your replies? I'll do it. I :censored2:ing told you and you blew me off.


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I'm sure it's difficult to admit that Trump's own anti-democratic thugs attacked the US Capitol Building today.
You think I'm happy about being vindicated? This is sickening. I hate seeing our country like this. What else is on the horizon that I've talked about? Get you :censored2:ing head out of your ass. Were on the same side and you're too stubborn and self righteous to realize it


Well-Known Member
The claims of a "rigged" election and voter fraud have long since been disproven by members of Trump's own administration. In fact early this PM in his address to the senators of his own party rejecting his fellow Republican senators plans to oppose the certification of Biden's election McConnell made it as plain as it could be made under oath and for the record .."there was NO widespread fraud".
Of course not. The fraud was concentrated in strategic large cities of swing states. Nothing widespread about it. Amazing how states that were clearly either Trump or Biden strongholds didn't have issues and got their votes counted quickly and efficiently while the states both candidates needed had all kinds of issues, delays, statistical anomalies and magically all fell Biden's way. The only exception was Florida where the state legislature insured election integrity by putting in measures that insured nothing crooked could overwhelm the system.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is a pretty word but we're in a republic.

I told you. I *ing told you. What did you say? You want me to go through your replies? I'll do it. I *ing told you and you blew me off.
Because some other idiots stood on the steps and waved a flag until they got tired and went home? So what! Was this your revolution kid?

It confirms everything I think about you and them

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Democracy is a pretty word but we're in a republic.

You're anti-democratic because it won't save your God Emperor. Paul Ryan agrees.

Paul Ryan excoriates planned GOP effort to challenge Biden's Electoral College win as 'anti-democratic and anti-conservative'

"Former House Speaker Paul Ryan excoriated fellow Republicans Sunday in a rare statement that called planned GOP efforts to challenge President-elect Joe Biden's win "anti-democratic and anti-conservative."


Well-Known Member
You're anti-democratic because it won't save your God Emperor. Paul Ryan agrees.

Paul Ryan excoriates planned GOP effort to challenge Biden's Electoral College win as 'anti-democratic and anti-conservative'

"Former House Speaker Paul Ryan excoriated fellow Republicans Sunday in a rare statement that called planned GOP efforts to challenge President-elect Joe Biden's win "anti-democratic and anti-conservative."
Oh sure, quote the guy who did nothing constructive in his tenure as Speaker. RINO.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Oh sure, quote the guy who did nothing constructive in his tenure as Speaker. RINO.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
You're anti-democratic because it won't save your God Emperor. Paul Ryan agrees.

Paul Ryan excoriates planned GOP effort to challenge Biden's Electoral College win as 'anti-democratic and anti-conservative'

"Former House Speaker Paul Ryan excoriated fellow Republicans Sunday in a rare statement that called planned GOP efforts to challenge President-elect Joe Biden's win "anti-democratic and anti-conservative."
You can spin it and lie to yourself however you want.

Constitutional democratic REPUBLIC

Deal with it