Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
As a loyal Trump supporter you are as culpable for today's coup attempt as those who have stormed the capital. Mary Trump whose qualifications in the field of human behavior are second to none was correct when she said that Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in America.
As a loyal Democrat you are as culpable as those who rigged the November election.


Well-Known Member
Guys, if it had been Democrats attacking the US Capitol Building today you would have grabbed your guns and hopped in your cars and trucks to go defend Mike Pence and the United States Congress.

To belittle what happened today is to deny what your own reality would have been had the circumstances been a little different.
After months of Democrats denying the looting and burning of major cities, the deaths and injuries that occurred, it takes a lot of brass to act like this was much worse.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member



Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Both houses of Congress and the Vice President inside. Way to go you *ing seditionist thugs.
Where were you when 2 billion dollars of property damage was caused by the left wing.

Deal with it. The sleeping giant has awoken. What the :censored2: did i tell you while you and your buddies insisted on ignoring me and making short bus jokes.

Stay out of the way


Well-Known Member
I would sooner lose my country and keep my integrity than to stoop to what is happening in the Capitol.
It is thought that Antifa, dressed as Trump supporters, did the break in and damage.
Have you considered that?

Have you also considered who is thought to be bankrolling Antifa and BLM?

Get back with me......

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Where were you when 2 billion dollars of property damage was caused by the left wing.
Go through my post history and try to tell me I wasn't there for it.

Deal with it. The sleeping giant has awoken. What the * did i tell you while you and your buddies insisted on ignoring me and making short bus jokes.
If you're gonna rail against the communists as we all should, you should at least be consistent in your support for democracy.


Well-Known Member
I like how American Trump supporters are all overweight rednecks with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths!

So proud of America right now


Well-Known Member
As a loyal Democrat you are as culpable as those who rigged the November election.
The claims of a "rigged" election and voter fraud have long since been disproven by members of Trump's own administration. In fact early this PM in his address to the senators of his own party rejecting his fellow Republican senators plans to oppose the certification of Biden's election McConnell made it as plain as it could be made under oath and for the record .."there was NO widespread fraud".


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Peaceful protest. Just like CNN and MSNBC tell telling us while cities were going up in flames..."peaceful protests"...
Any outrage now is fake if the riots were "peaseful protests".
Personal attacks?

It's much easier to stick with the group than to make a principled stand.
Who's being the sheep, and who is thinking for himself?
Not the leftist media.