Storming the Capitol

Box Ox

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
You tell me? Did you condemn last summer's riots?
I absolutely believe that a black person should be treated just like I would be by the police. In many cases that doesn’t happen.

Taking a knee or having a march to bring attention to unfair treatment doesn’t offend me at all, neither does the phrase BLM!

That being said, destroying property and violence from a mob loses any credibility you had in your argument


Well-Known Member
I guess playing revolutionary isn't fun anymore. The videos of the now dead woman are brutal. I'm hoping her meaningless death stays the only one for the day.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely believe that a black person should be treated just like I would be by the police. In many cases that doesn’t happen.

Taking a knee or having a match to bring attention to unfair treatment doesn’t offend me at all, neither does the phrase BLM!

That being said, destroying property and violence from a mob loses any credibility you had in your argument
Are you saying there wasn't violence last summer? Dozens killed, over 1000 policemen injured among thousands of others, untold number of stores burned down or looted. Had nothing to do with a Democratic registered policeman in a Democratic controlled city going too far in subduing a drugged up suspect. Opportunism with Democratic mayors looking the other way. But somehow a handful of protesters (in comparison to hundreds of thousands there peacefully) get into the Capitol Building and you think it's the worst thing since 9/11. Which you probably blame on the U.S.