Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
It's not up to you and me to determine whether or not the conduct of the people at the Capital on 1-6 rises to the level of federal charges. It would appear however that those who have been granted the authority to make that decision believe that it does rise to that level.
Actually it does, I can read and understand the elements of criminal culpability.
I went to school, not you.
Their only job is to rule on statute at the time, nothing more nothing less.
You do understand that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is elected? You do understand it is a partisan body?
Their duty is to rule on law. In the Pennsylvania Supreme Court you witnessed democracy, not the rule of law.

Explain latches to me. That concept directed their entire train of thought.

Since in this instance a Supreme Court has ruled according to your liking, therefore you believe they are just and righteous, research Dred Scott and Plessy v Ferguson.

Report back to me with your findings.
Joe won in PA by 81,000 votes. No technicalities were going to change that.


Inordinately Right
That we wouldn’t have vaccines distributed in October 2020.
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Inordinately Right
Try to keep up. I posted that Trump claimed we could have vaccines available by mid-October 2020, which is exactly what he claimed. Prior to the election. Just more bull* salesmanship to try to drive voters to the polls.
You're grasping at straws to defend media outlets that lied and gave you spin over and over. And why? Because you feel silly for believing them?

The Driver

I drive.
You're grasping at straws to defend media outlets that lied and gave you spin over and over. And why? Because you feel silly for believing them?
I defend the free media as an institution, yes. They are invaluable to a free society and to the ideals of democracy. They are not the "enemy of the people". But they can be wrong because they are fallible human beings like the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
I defend the free media as an institution, yes. They are invaluable to a free society and to the ideals of democracy. They are not the "enemy of the people". But they can be wrong because they are fallible human beings like the rest of us.
When they take sides it's more than just being fallible. They're supposed to report the news, not create it. Editors can express opinions on the editor's page, but that's not what was happening with Trump.