Storming the Capitol

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This is the best one I like. Stupid is as stupid does..

The sheer violence of the mob attempting to overthrow the government is on undeniable display in this video!!!

Actually, what’s on display is a blatant disrespect for protocol. Unfortunately, Congress has been doing that for years already. Beat em to the punch.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Quite the mastermind
This video has had facial recognition run on it, and the one visible without a mask are known antifa members.

Except for the guys they walk up to at the computer. Those two guys they can't identify.. I have my own opinions about those two.

Netsua 3:16

You continue to prove yourself a legal and constitutional illiterate.

You're in over your head.
You're a lost ball in high weeds, get an education first.
If you are sincere in finding the truth I might walk you through it.

What you said is a factual untruth, I don't want to call you a liar.

I don't like to argue with incompetent illiterates, it is clear you have no clue.

You're over your head, bring it.

It's shameful that young skulls full of mush haven't been given a path to or trained in critical thinking, you have no ability to analyze.

The bold and enlarged above is an outright lie. Are you a liar or a sheeple?
Good god.
How many times do you need to tell the guy that you are his intellectual superior? Why even bother?
What a doosh


Well-Known Member
Hard to take this seriously from a Fox News viewer.
You can't seem to understand that most FOX shows are opinion shows. But they do have a hard news hour hosted by Bret Baier. That's what journalists are supposed to be doing at the NY Times and WAPO. As to those opinion shows, I'll take FOX over CNN and MSNBC any day.

The Driver

I drive.
You can't seem to understand that most FOX shows are opinion shows. But they do have a hard news hour hosted by Bret Baier. That's what journalists are supposed to be doing at the NY Times and WAPO. As to those opinion shows, I'll take FOX over CNN and MSNBC any day.
It’s very telling when someone asks a right-winger what media they trust that they immediately reply in terms of television news.

It’s never written publications.


Well-Known Member
For all the mocking the right-wing does of Biden keep in mind that he beat Donald Trump by millions of votes. The people rejected Trump.
Only a Dem would believe a guy like Joe Biden got that many votes. Trump's 75 million or so was substantiated by full stadiums at his rallies. Did Joe ever fill one stadium? A church maybe? A small parking lot? He had more people working to manufacture votes than ever came to one of his speeches.