Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.

What a rambling bunch of tripe. Lol…

Here is the most important part of this article because the burden of proof is on the conspiracy theorists:

“The public emergence of the Jones report Thursday doesn't confirm enough suspect votes to overturn Georgia's election results, or prove a plot to commit widespread ballot fraud.”

They had their chance to bring any and all evidence in front of a judge. Oops!

Time to move on.


Well-Known Member
You are a very, very gullible individual. I'm sorry.

What was Donald Trump's average job approval rating throughout his entire 4 years? That will answer your question is to why it was not surprising that the idiot lost the popular vote by 7,000,000 votes.
Your candidate in 2016 spent the last 4+ years saying the election was stolen from her. 67% of Democrats polled believe that. So people in glass houses...

The Driver

I drive.
And still claims for almost 5 years now that it was stolen from her.
Far different than a ranting and raving lunatic claiming all manner of conspiracies with ZERO intelligence agency backup for those claims. And he has yet to concede he lost.

Clinton conceded that she lost the election THE DAY AFTER SHE LOST.


Well-Known Member

"Audits and recounts are an essential part of our voting system, but what’s happening in Arizona isn’t. The state Senate that ordered the process is calling it an audit, and all the ballots are being recounted, but it’s not really an audit or a recount — it’s a partisan inquisition. Conducted by a company founded by an election-fraud conspiracy theorist and Trump supporter, the process is funded mostly by Trump loyalists and fails to meet any of the standards required for official recounts or audits by state law. The process indulges the fantasies of the most extreme political fringe while ignoring the fact that there is zero evidence of any election fraud to warrant such intense scrutiny. The result will almost certainly not be the greater transparency Republican state senators claim they seek. The review — and others like it — may instead further erode trust in our elections. "

"The GOP state senators who ordered the review have been battling local election officials since November over the results. Even after the majority-Republican Maricopa County Board of Supervisors hired two separate, independent firms to perform a forensic audit of the voting equipment used — an audit which found no irregularities — the state Senate was unsatisfied. Using its subpoena powers to seize the ballots from the local board, the state Senate hired Cyber Ninjas to conduct the “audit.” Notably, the firm has never performed any kind of election audit, and its founder and CEO, Doug Logan, has publicly supported Trump and shared election-fraud conspiracy posts. FiveThirtyEight reached out to a spokesperson for Cyber Ninjas, but he did not respond to our questions."
dems have always been good at spinning a negative before it comes out.