Storming the Capitol


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
What a rambling bunch of tripe. Lol…

Here is the most important part of this article because the burden of proof is on the conspiracy theorists:

“The public emergence of the Jones report Thursday doesn't confirm enough suspect votes to overturn Georgia's election results, or prove a plot to commit widespread ballot fraud.”

They had their chance to bring any and all evidence in front of a judge. Oops!

Time to move on.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.


Well-Known Member
Far different than a ranting and raving lunatic claiming all manner of conspiracies with ZERO intelligence agency backup for those claims. And he has yet to concede he lost.

Clinton conceded that she lost the election THE DAY AFTER SHE LOST.
You apparently aren't aware that the Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele through an intermediary to make up the infamous dossier about Russian collusion then she had the gall to go around saying her election was stolen from her. Someone who truly concedes just doesn't do these sort of things. And unlike Clinton Trump actually had his election stolen. Why do I know that? Dems are the party that screams when voting without I.D. is taken from them. You guys can't help it, it's in your DNA.

The Driver

I drive.
You apparently aren't aware that the Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele through an intermediary to make up the infamous dossier about Russian collusion then she had the gall to go around saying her election was stolen from her. Someone who truly concedes just doesn't do these sort of things. And unlike Clinton Trump actually had his election stolen. Why do I know that? Dems are the party that screams when voting without I.D. is taken from them. You guys can't help it, it's in your DNA.
Absolutely false.
I have. Tucker enjoys playing them.
Tucker enjoys playing the billies who follow him.
