Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure that is the truth. I'm not saying you are wrong however.

I'm not sure the are enough blacks on here to exhibit their racism against whites.
I do think there are a lot of whites that support the racism ideology for political gain, which I think is based in a Marxist takedown of our Republic.

There is no better country in the world for darker pigmentation to better their situation in life than the United States. Someone prove me wrong.
would you say that a black man's obsession with race could make him a racist? i ask because most men of color that i have met that are successful in life dont seem to be saddled with a race obsession.


nowhere special
kinda like the Obama administration arguing obamacare was legal as a tax when they told us it was no such thing. you argue what wins.

I wouldnt be that harsh. Tucker has an opinion show. Everyone who watch's an opinion show should understand that.
Exactly. Tucker voices his opinions. Which is not the same as when he presents solid facts (to talk about).


Well-Known Member
would you say that a black man's obsession with race could make him a racist? i ask because most men of color that i have met that are successful in life dont seem to be saddled with a race obsession.
I believe there is one race, we are all humans. I believe there are many different variations in skin color and other physical qualities and cultures. Most people call me an idiot for thinking this way. So be it. History has proven there are superior cultures, proven by their advancements, pigmentation does not have to dictate or define culture or a culture.

I had no say in the skin color I was born with, neither did you. How could that make either of us superior?


Staff member
Well, she's white, so you probably can't get to the level of her beliefs....

BUT....when your family smashes Best Buy windows and help yourselves to free TV's, did you have that right? If not, should you have been shot and killed? Are you so dumb that you think they were going to take over the government with a bike helmet and a couple of water bottles....🪖🪖🧴🧴
Lol. My family did that? Fascinating. Let’s see…

I have a retired minister for a dad, my mom who stayed at home with the kids. A computer programmer brother who heads up billion dollar projects for one of the largest software companies in the world. A sister who just retired from teaching, her mechanical engineer husband who retired months before her. Another sister who is married to a retired sheriff’s deputy and is the county assessor.

And then there’s me. I’m sorry. I’m to lazy to burn and loot. Not even sure I like our new HD TV. Makes everything look like a soap opera.

I’m afraid I’m not sure who you’re talking about.

The kids? Nah. Too busy with sports and computer games.

The more I think of my family the more I wonder WTF is wrong with the Ashli Babbitts of the world!


Well-Known Member
kinda like the Obama administration arguing obamacare was legal as a tax when they told us it was no such thing. you argue what wins.

I wouldnt be that harsh. Tucker has an opinion show. Everyone who watch's an opinion show should understand that.
Kinda like how the last guy in the White House made things up.


Legio patria nostra
Lol. My family did that? Fascinating. Let’s see…

I have a retired minister for a dad, my mom who stayed at home with the kids. A computer programmer brother who heads up billion dollar projects for one of the largest software companies in the world. A sister who just retired from teaching, her mechanical engineer husband who retired months before her. Another sister who is married to a retired sheriff’s deputy and is the county assessor.

And then there’s me. I’m sorry. I’m to lazy to burn and loot. Not even sure I like our new HD TV. Makes everything look like a soap opera.

I’m afraid I’m not sure who you’re talking about.

The kids? Nah. Too busy with sports and computer games.

The more I think of my family the more I wonder WTF is wrong with the Ashli Babbitts of the world!
That’s great!

I’d be surprised it they all had those outcomes of their ancestors were not brought to America.

what do you think?

BTW… Ashli Babbitt was a USAF Veteran.
You didn’t mention any of those relatives volunteering their service.


Well-Known Member
I love how y'all attack FOX as if CNN and MSNBC are paragons of the truth. They've both lost huge amounts of viewers while FOX has grown. People know when they're being conned except for the hangers on who can be told anything and believe it at the liberal channels. Do you know why FOX viewers believe the election was stolen? Because for years FOX has clearly demonstrated lies and corruption on the Left while the liberal channels mostly, I repeat, mostly make up stuff they can't prove. No one in Washington is totally pure IMO but the Left has an agenda for the country that goes beyond typical corruption. People see it happening all around and it worries them if not down right scares them. So have your fun. We can see the truth by turning on FOX. Ultimately who can you trust on the liberal channels?


Inordinately Right
I love how y'all attack FOX as if CNN and MSNBC are paragons of the truth. They've both lost huge amounts of viewers while FOX has grown. People know when they're being conned except for the hangers on who can be told anything and believe it at the liberal channels. Do you know why FOX viewers believe the election was stolen? Because for years FOX has clearly demonstrated lies and corruption on the Left while the liberal channels mostly, I repeat, mostly make up stuff they can't prove. No one in Washington is totally pure IMO but the Left has an agenda for the country that goes beyond typical corruption. People see it happening all around and it worries them if not down right scares them. So have your fun. We can see the truth by turning on FOX. Ultimately who can you trust on the liberal channels?
If Trump had won Democrats would be screaming that the election was stolen. It's all a game.


Staff member
That’s great!

I’d be surprised it they all had those outcomes of their ancestors were not brought to America.

what do you think?

BTW… Ashli Babbitt was a USAF Veteran.
You didn’t mention any of those relatives volunteering their service.
Let’s not pretend she was acting in defense of her country.


Inordinately Right
I heard a few when say that when Trump was elected. None of them said that Hillary would be installed later that year.
I don't know why you people are obsessed with q anon. I figure the trash you watch and listen to like NPR and MSNBC must be getting good ratings from their sheep when they push that narrative to you people.

Democrats were pushing conspiracy theories about disappearing mailboxes and voter suppression right up to election day, not to mention your Russian influence delusions.

You're just as bad as the Q people are homie.


Staff member
I don't know why you people are obsessed with q anon. I figure the trash you watch and listen to like NPR and MSNBC must be getting good ratings from their sheep when they push that narrative to you people.

Democrats were pushing conspiracy theories about disappearing mailboxes and voter suppression right up to election day, not to mention your Russian influence delusions.

You're just as bad as the Q people are homie.
Seriously. Put Trump again in ‘24 again. If you don’t believe the first results, maybe a second one will help you see how unpopular he is.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
That’s great!

I’d be surprised it they all had those outcomes of their ancestors were not brought to America.

what do you think?

BTW… Ashli Babbitt was a USAF Veteran.
You didn’t mention any of those relatives volunteering their service.
Ashley babbitt was in the military, at that point she had a completely different name. She is a mysterious woman..