Storming the Capitol


Legio patria nostra
Let’s not pretend she was acting in defense of her country.
Ya’ see….
Now you get stooopid.

Veterans, unlike you, “acted in defense of their country” while on Active Duty ( including Reserve call up)….
A “Veteran” by definition is not in either aforementioned category, but has been in the past.

You are obviously the “most help needed” of the family!


Legio patria nostra
Well, it looks like the little princess is busy with his hurtful Thumbs Down ratings. LOL...Pathetic!

Netsua 3:16

I don't know why you people are obsessed with q anon. I figure the trash you watch and listen to like NPR and MSNBC must be getting good ratings from their sheep when they push that narrative to you people.

Democrats were pushing conspiracy theories about disappearing mailboxes and voter suppression right up to election day, not to mention your Russian influence delusions.

You're just as bad as the Q people are homie.
The thread is called “Storming the Capital”
Those people were crazy Q’s
Thus, we discuss Q


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
People will feel better about the Democrats in 2024 than they did last November if Manchin gets on board and the Democrats can move forward with what they'd like to do?
Think there are many moderates that look back fondly on the Trump years and his attempt to overthrow the government after he lost the election?