Storming the Capitol

El Correcto

god is dead
You don’t 100% get your way in this country. It’s a democratic republic. We pick our reps through voting and then they compromise. That’s the whole thing, all under the Constitution.

And you’re so busy hating on the weakest and most vulnerable that you can’t see that fact. You want authoritarianism if it means you think you get exactly what you want. Otherwise you want to see our elected representatives die by brutality.

That’s the definition of a big fat *ing baby. Big crybaby.
Neat rant.
but you’re projecting bud.
If the last year or so has proven anything it’s that Americans with stuff to lose are the weakest in this society. Americans that can’t take to the streets burn loot and murder style are the weakest in this society.
Violence is a okay with the left as long it is being done in the name of “anti-racism” and anti-Americanism. They also will not pay a price at the polls for doing so.
It’s okay for the left to pardon domestic terrorist who support their ideology.

You act like the citizens of this country cannot inflict tyranny on each other without the help of the government. It is tyranny if I cannot open my business because the leftists are in the streets shutting down blocks and opening autonomous zones. It is tyranny if the leftists torch my property. You people are tyrants.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Lots of respect for Gen. Milley.

In 2016, Gen Milley traveled to Beijing and congratulated Gen Li Zuocheng on being appointed by Xi Jinping as the head of the People's Liberation Army

Oooppsss... I'd suspect that if you were in charge of the military. You wouldn't want things like this to come out.


Well-Known Member
In 2016, Gen Milley traveled to Beijing and congratulated Gen Li Zuocheng on being appointed by Xi Jinping as the head of the People's Liberation Army

Oooppsss... I'd suspect that if you were in charge of the military. You wouldn't want things like this to come out.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.

The Driver

I drive.
Again with the sweeping stereotypes. Did your liberal knee jerk as you typed that?
In 2016, Gen Milley traveled to Beijing and congratulated Gen Li Zuocheng on being appointed by Xi Jinping as the head of the People's Liberation Army

Oooppsss... I'd suspect that if you were in charge of the military. You wouldn't want things like this to come out.
So? The commander in chief, Donald Trump, saluted a North Korean military leader.


Well-Known Member
Restrictive. Lol. So you believe blacks don't know how to use the computer either?


Inordinately Right
waaaaahh racism waaaaahh


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
They can't legally do that. Watch what comes of it. There are state rights not federal.