Storming the Capitol


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Here is a question for you. Why has Joe biden started wearing a vest? Are they currently making the narrative of crazy trump supporters are the most dangerous. Wouldn't it be weird if that whole narrative happened? Keep your eyes pealed.


Well-Known Member
Here is a question for you. Why has Joe biden started wearing a vest? Are they currently making the narrative of crazy trump supporters are the most dangerous. Wouldn't it be weird if that whole narrative happened? Keep your eyes pealed.
Trump wore a bullet proof vest, too. So did President Obama, and GW Bush. There are crazy people out there with guns, in case you hadn't noticed.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Check this out...



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
This guy?:

John McAfee

Whale friend**. No joke. Each year, on Feb 1st, in the Molokai Channel, a few men compete in the world's only whale friend** contest. Humpback whales are easy to friend*- for a second or less. World record: 31 seconds. I competed once. Almost got my ribs crushed. Stick with Ostriches.
Keep down playing this.
There is something to say about a program that scans every file in a computer. Every computer. If you click the link it takes you to 12 tb of download able files.


PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
That's funny. You're telling me that States have the right to violate Federal law? Georgia is going to nullify the Voting Rights Act? Okay. Let me know how that works out.
Voting rights act? Please tell me how that works. There was not a federal election. There were state elections.


nowhere special
Voting rights act? Please tell me how that works. There was not a federal election. There were state elections.
The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that states have control of how they conduct elections. Which means the recent DOJ suit against Georgia is frivolous.


Well-Known Member
Too bad the Georgia law doesn't violate any of that.

DOJ just parroted Dem talking points. Doesn't make it true.
In April last year, Georgia House Speaker David Ralston (R), criticized a move from Georgia’s secretary of state to send absentee ballot applications to every eligible voter in Georgia in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The president said it best, this will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia,” Ralston said.

“This will certainly drive up turnout,” he complained later of the secretary of state’s decision.


Well-Known Member
The lawsuit introduced Ralston’s words to the court record, quoting him saying that sending absentee ballot applications to all voters would be devastating for Republicans. And the civil rights attorney who flagged his comments on Twitter a year ago stood behind Attorney General Merrick Garland as he announced the legal action. That attorney, Vanita Gupta, is now the associate attorney general.

The words and intent of Ralston and others involved with enacting the new voting law, SB 202, will be key in the Justice Department’s efforts to show that the law purposefully discriminates against Black voters.